Indicates to execute the DATA step or PROC step that immediately follows without considering the checkpoint-restart data.
Valid in: Anywhere
Category: Program Control



Without Arguments

The CHECKPOINT EXECUTE_ALWAYS statement indicates to SAS that the DATA step or PROC step that immediately follows is to be executed without considering the checkpoint data.


If checkpoint-restart mode is enabled and a batch program terminates without completing, the program can be rerun beginning with the DATA step or PROC step that was executing when it terminated. DATA or PROC steps that completed before the batch program terminated are not reexecuted. If a DATA step or a PROC step must be reexecuted, you can add the CHECKPOINT EXECUTE_ALWAYS statement before the step. Using the CHECKPOINT EXECUTE_ALWAYS statement ensures that SAS always executes the step without regard to the checkpoint-restart data.

See Also

Checkpoint Mode and Restart Mode in SAS Language Reference: Concepts
System Options:
STEPCHKPT System Option in SAS System Options: Reference
STEPCHKPTLIB= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference
STEPRESTART System Option in SAS System Options: Reference