reserves the following three names for use as variable list names:
You can use these variable
list names to reference variables that have been previously defined
in the same DATA step. The _CHARACTER_ variable lists character values
only. The _NUMERIC_ variable lists numeric values only. The _ALL_
variable lists either all character or all numeric values, depending
on how you previously defined the variables.
For example, the following
INPUT statement reads in variables X1 through X3 as character values
using the $8. informat, and variables X4 through X5 as numeric variables.
The following ARRAY statement uses the variable list _CHARACTER_ to
include only the character variables in the array. The asterisk indicates
that SAS determines the subscript by counting the variables in the
input (X1-X3) ($8.) X4-X5;
array item {*} _character_;
You can use the _NUMERIC_
variable in your program (for example, you need to convert currency).
In this application, you do not need to know the variable names. You
need only to convert all values to the new currency.
For more information
about variable lists, see the
ARRAY Statement in SAS Statements: Reference.