and C:\Public\fkey_directory
The pathnames are stored in the descriptor information of the SAS
data files.
libname pkds '\\D4064\Public\pkey_directory';
However, that directory does not exist on machine F2760. Therefore,
opening the foreign key data file fails.
data tv_survey(label='Validity checking'); length idnum age 4 gender $1; input idnum gender age network pbs other; datalines; 1 M 55 80 . 20 2 F 36 50 40 10 3 M 42 20 5 75 4 F 18 30 0 70 5 F 84 0 100 0 ; proc datasets nolist; modify tv_survey; ic create val_gender = check(where=(gender in ('M','F'))) message = "Valid values for variable GENDER are either 'M' or 'F'."; ic create val_age = check(where=(age >= 18 and age = 120)) message = "An invalid AGE has been provided."; ic create val_new = check(where=(network = 100)); ic create val_pbs = check(where=(pbs = 100)); ic create val_ot = check(where=(other = 100)); ic create val_max = check(where=((network+pbs+other)= 100)); quit;
proc sql; create table people ( name char(14), gender char(6), hired num, jobtype char(1) not null, status char(10), constraint prim_key primary key(name), constraint gender check(gender in ('male' 'female')), constraint status check(status in ('permanent' 'temporary' 'terminated')) ); create table salary ( name char(14), salary num not null, bonus num, constraint for_key foreign key(name) references people on delete restrict on update set null ); quit;
INIT: put "Test SCL integrity constraint functions start."; return; MAIN: put "Opening WORK.ONE in utility mode."; dsid = open('work.one', 'V');/* Utility mode.*/ if (dsid = 0) then do; _msg_=sysmsg(); put _msg_=; end; else do; if (dsid > 0) then put "Successfully opened WORK.ONE in" "UTILITY mode."; end; put "Create a check integrity constraint named teen."; rc = iccreate(dsid, 'teen', 'check', '(age > 12) && (age < 20)'); if (rc > 0) then do; put rc=; _msg_=sysmsg(); put _msg_=; end; else do; put "Successfully created a check" "integrity constraint."; end; put "Create a not-null integrity constraint named nn."; rc = iccreate(dsid, 'nn', 'not-null', 'age'); if (rc > 0) then do; put rc=; _msg_=sysmsg(); put _msg_=; end; else do; put "Successfully created a not-null" "integrity constraint."; end; put "Create a unique integrity constraint named uq."; rc = iccreate(dsid, 'uq', 'unique', 'age'); if (rc > 0) then do; put rc=; _msg_=sysmsg(); put _msg_=; end; else do; put "Successfully created a unique" "integrity constraint."; end; put "Create a primary key integrity constraint named pk."; rc = iccreate(dsid, 'pk', 'Primary', 'name'); if (rc > 0) then do; put rc=; _msg_=sysmsg(); put _msg_=; end; else do; put "Successfully created a primary key" "integrity constraint."; end; put "Closing WORK.ONE."; rc = close(dsid); if (rc > 0) then do; put rc=; _msg_=sysmsg(); put _msg_=; end; put "Opening WORK.TWO in utility mode."; dsid2 = open('work.two', 'V'); /*Utility mode */ if (dsid2 = 0) then do; _msg_=sysmsg(); put _msg_=; end; else do; if (dsid2 > 0) then put "Successfully opened WORK.TWO in" "UTILITY mode."; end; put "Create a foreign key integrity constraint named fk."; rc = iccreate(dsid2, 'fk', 'foreign', 'name', 'work.one','null', 'restrict'); if (rc > 0) then do; put rc=; _msg_=sysmsg(); put _msg_=; end; else do; put "Successfully created a foreign key" "integrity constraint."; end; put "Closing WORK.TWO."; rc = close(dsid2); if (rc > 0) then do; put rc=; _msg_=sysmsg(); put _msg_=; end; return; TERM: put "End of test SCL integrity constraint" "functions."; return;
proc sql; alter table salary DROP CONSTRAINT for_key; alter table people DROP CONSTRAINT gender DROP CONSTRAINT _nm0001_ DROP CONSTRAINT status DROP CONSTRAINT prim_key ; quit;
proc datasets nolist; modify tv_survey; ic delete val_max; ic delete val_gender; ic delete val_age; run; quit;
TERM: put "Opening WORK.TWO in utility mode."; dsid2 = open( 'work.two' , 'V' ); /* Utility mode. */ if (dsid2 = 0) then do; _msg_=sysmsg(); put _msg_=; end; else do; if (dsid2 > 0) then put "Successfully opened WORK.TWO in Utility mode."; end; rc = icdelete(dsid2, 'fk'); if (rc > 0) then do; put rc=; _msg_=sysmsg(); end; else do; put "Successfully deleted a foreign key integrity constraint."; end; rc = close(dsid2); return;
data Singers1; input FirstName $ LastName $ Age; datalines; Tom Jones 62 Kris Kristofferson 66 Willie Nelson 69 Barbra Streisand 60 Paul McCartney 60 Randy Travis 43 ; data Singers2; input FirstName $ LastName $ Style $; datalines; Tom Jones Rock Kris Kristofferson Country Willie Nelson Country Barbra Streisand Contemporary Paul McCartney Rock Randy Travis Country ; proc datasets library=work nolist; modify Singers1; ic create primary key (FirstName LastName); 1 run; modify Singers2; ic create foreign key (FirstName LastName) references Singers1 on delete restrict on update restrict; 2 run; modify Singers2; ic create primary key (LastName FirstName); 3 run; modify Singers1; ic create foreign key (LastName FirstName) references Singers2 on delete restrict on update restrict; 4 run; quit;
1 | Defines a primary key constraint for data set Singers1, for variables FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME. |
2 | Defines a foreign key constraint for data set Singers2 for variables FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME that references the primary key defined in Step 1. Because the intention is to define a primary key using the same variables, the foreign key update and delete referential actions must both be RESTRICT. |
3 | Defines a primary key constraint for data set Singers2 for variables LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME. Because those exact same variables are already defined as a foreign key, the order must be different. |
4 | Defines a foreign key constraint for data set Singers1 for variables LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME that references the primary key defined in Step 3. Because those exact same variables are already defined as a primary key, the order must be different. Because a primary key is already defined using the same variables, the foreign key's update and delete referential actions must both be RESTRICT. |