Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN)

Because IP addresses can change easily, SAS applications that contain hardcoded IP addresses are prone to maintenance problems.
To avoid such problems, use of an FQDN is preferred over an IP address. The name-resolution system that is part of the TCP/IP protocol is responsible for locating the IP address that is associated with the FQDN.
The following example restores client activity in the paused repository:

If an IP address had been used and if the IP address that was associated with the computer node name had changed, the code would be inaccurate.
An FQDN can remain intact in the code while the underlying IP address can change without causing unpredictable results. The TCP/IP name-resolution system automatically resolves the FQDN to its associated IP address.
Here is an example of an FQDN that is specified in a SAS GUI application.
Example of an FQDN in a SAS Management Console Window
Example of an FQDN in a SAS Management Console Window
The full FQDN, d11076.na.apex.com, is specified in the Remote Host field of the Connect Server Properties window in SAS Management Console.
Some SAS products impose limits on the length for computer names.
The following code is an example of an FQDN that is assigned to a SAS menu variable:
%let sashost=hrmach1.dorg.com;
rsubmit sashost.sasport;
Because the FQDN is longer than eight characters, the FQDN must be assigned to a SAS macro variable, which is used in the RSUBMIT statement.