Begins the TC.


rc = METASEC_BEGTRAN(uri, flags, tc);

Required Arguments

uri (in)
specifies a character variable or constant that contains the URI of the object to be manipulated by the transaction, or an empty string if the object is not immediately known. When an empty string is used, identify the target resource in the METASEC_ENDTRAN function.
flags (in)
not currently used; set to 0 (zero).
tc (out)
returns a character variable that contains the handle of the new TC; must be at least $16.

Return Values

Successful completion.
Unable to connect to the metadata server.
Output variable for TC is too small to hold the TC handle.
No objects match the specified URI.
Numeric value (flag) exceeds the maximum usable value.
-99 or less
Other error; see log or sysmsg() for information.


This function calls the ISecAdmin method BeginTransactionContext(). For information about the method, see SAS Open Metadata Interface: Reference and Usage.

See Also