MCOVERAGE System Options

Enables the generation of coverage analysis data.
Valid in: Configuration file, OPTIONS window, OPTIONS statement, SAS invocation
Type: System option
Requirement: Must use MCOVERAGELOC= system option



Required Arguments

enables the generation of coverage analysis data.
prevents the generation of coverage analysis data.


MCOVERAGE system option controls the generation of coverage analysis data, which is information needed to ensure proper testing of SAS Solutions products before their release.
The format of the coverage analysis data is a space delimited flat text file that contains three types of records. Each record begins with a numeric record type. The line numbers in the data are relative line numbers based on the %MACRO keyword used to define the macro. You must use the MCOVERAGELOC= system option to specify the location of the coverage analysis data file. See MCOVERAGELOC= System Option.
Note: Because nested macro definitions are stored as model text with line breaks collapsed, it is recommended that nested macro definitions not be used in macro definitions that will later be analyzed for execution coverage.
Below are explanations for each of the three record types.
Record type 1:
1 n n macroname
record type
first line number
last line number
macro name
Record type 1 indicates the beginning of the execution of a macro. Record type 1 appears once for each invocation of a macro.
Record type 2:
2 n n macroname
record type
first line number
last line number
macro name
Record type 2 indicates the lines of a macro that have executed. A single line of a macro might cause more than one record to be generated.
Record type 3:
3 n n macroname
record type
first line number
last line number
macro name
Record type 3 indicates which lines of the macro cannot be executed because no code was generated from them. These lines might be either commentary lines or lines that cause no macro code to be generated.
The following is a sample program log:
Sample Program Log:
NOTE: Copyright (c) 2002-2008 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.3 (TS1B0)
      Licensed to SAS Institute Inc., Site 1.
NOTE: This session is executing on the XP_PRO  platform.

NOTE: SAS initialization used:
      real time           0.45 seconds
      cpu time            0.20 seconds

1          options source source2;
3          options mcoverage mcoverageloc='./foo.dat';
5          /*  1 */ %macro
6          /*  2 */ foo (
7          /*  3 */ arg,
8          /*  4 */
9          /*  5 */
10         /*  6 */ arg2
11         /*  7 */
12         /*  8 */
13         /*  9 */ =
14         /* 10 */
15         /* 11 */ This is the default value of arg2)
16         /* 12 */ ;
17         /* 13 */ /*  This is a number of lines of comments     */
18         /* 14 */ /*  which presumably will help the maintainer */
19         /* 15 */ /*  of this macro to know what to do to keep  */
20         /* 16 */ /*  this silly piece of code current          */
21         /* 17 */   %if &arg %then %do;
22         /* 18 */      data _null_;
23         /* 19 */      x=1;
24         /* 20 */   %end;
25         /* 21 */ %* this is a macro comment statement
26         /* 22 */    that also can be used to document features
27         /* 23 */    and other stuff about the macro;
28         /* 24 */   %else
29         /* 25 */   %do;
30         /* 26 */      DATA _NULL_;
31         /* 27 */      y=1;
32         /* 28 */   %end;
33         /* 29 */      run;
34         /* 30 */
35         /* 31 */
36         /* 32 */
37         /* 33 */
38         /* 34 */
39         /* 35 */ %mend
40         /* 36 */
41         /* 37 */
42         /* 38 */
43         /* 39 */
44         /* 40 */
45         /* 41 */
46         /* 42 */
47         /* 43 */ foo This is text which should generate a warning!  ;
WARNING: Extraneous information on %MEND statement ignored for macro 
definition FOO.