Translated caption tables
share the same naming requirements as translated dimension tables.
You need at least one translated caption table for each language in
Within your translated
caption tables, captions are referenced by a numeric MLSID. as shown
in the following example.
The SAS System 1
Obs mlsid caption description
1 1 Customer CustomerDescription
2 2 Customer CustomerHierDescription
3 3 custRegion CustomerRegionLevelDescription
4 4 custState CustomerStateLevelDescription
5 5 custCity CustomercityLevelDescription
6 6 custName CustomerNamePropertyDescription
7 7 custGender CustomerGenderPropertyDescription
8 8 custEducation customerEducationPropertyDescription
9 9 custmvhhcod customerMVHHCODEPropertyDescription
10 10 custNkids customerNKIDSPropertyDescription
11 11 custMarried customerMaritalStatusPropertyDescription
The preceding example
shows the columns that are required in translated caption tables.
Any translated copies of the preceding table would apply the same
MLSID to the same translated caption. MLSID values can be assigned
to any cube object that can receive a caption.
You can structure your
caption tables in three ways:
For the entire cube,
you can use a single set of translated caption tables for all translated
dimensions. To implement this scenario, specify a value for the PROC
OLAP statement option CUBETABLECAPPREF. Do not specify values for
DIMTABLECAPPREF in your dimension statements. Any caption that is
not identified by an MLSID will appear in the default language.
To apply translated
caption tables within a single dimension, create translated caption
tables that apply to that dimension only. Specify a value for DIMTABLECAPPREF
and do not specify a value for CUBETABLECAPPREF.
To combine generic
captions with dimension-specific captions, specify both CUBETALBECAPPREF
and DIMTABLECAPPREF. MLSIDs on dimensions that have not specified
a DIMTABLECAPPREF will refer to observations in the tables specified
The following table
illustrates the how translated caption tables are defined and named
at the cube level (PROC OLAP statement using CUBETABLECAPPREF) and
at the dimension level (DIMENSION statement using DIMTABLECAPPREF).
Naming Convention for Translated Caption Tables