Viewing Cubes in SAS OLAP Cube Studio


After you have built a cube in SAS OLAP Cube Studio, you can examine the contents of the cube with the View Cube function. The View Cube function is available from the Actions menu and from the cube context menu. The View Cube function is available only for use with physically built cubes.

SAS OLAP Server Connection

When you select the View Cube function, a connection to the SAS OLAP Server must be made. You can identify the SAS OLAP Server for a cube by selecting the cube's OLAP schema in the tree view. Then select the Server Assignment tab on the Properties dialog box for that schema. If there is only one SAS OLAP Server assigned to the OLAP schema, then that server is used. If a SAS OLAP Server is not selected for the schema, a dialog box is displayed that enables you to select a SAS OLAP server. If a connection to the SAS OLAP Server cannot be made, then the View Cube dialog box cannot be launched.

Cube Permissions

In order to use the View Cube function, a cube must have the appropriate Read and ReadMetadata permissions. Read and ReadMetadata permissions can be granted for the cube with the Authorization function that is available in the Properties dialog box. If you do not have permissions to read the cube, the View Cube function fails when you attempt to load it. The following authorization error message is displayed:
View Cube results are not available. Possible reasons are
1) an error occurred in reading the data or
2) the permissions may not allow viewing
You can select OK to close the message dialog box, or you can select Details. The Details panel displays the following message:
The set is empty
In addition, if the Read permissions for a component of the cube (dimension, hierarchy, and so on) have been denied, those components are not available for selection in the cube dimension tree.

Disabled Cubes

If a cube has been disabled, you can see the same restriction as if the cube has been denied Read permissions. The View Cube function fails when you attempt to load it. The following authorization error message is displayed:
View Cube results are not available. Possible reasons are
1) an error occurred in reading the data or
2) the permissions may not allow viewing
You can select OK to close the message dialog box, or you can select Details. The Details panel then displays the following message:
The set is empty