Executes Remote Function
Calls (RFC) or RFC-compatible
functions on an SAP System.
Computes Pearson correlation
coefficients, three nonparametric measures of association, and the
probabilities associated with these statistics.
Base SAS(R)
9.3 Procedures Guide: Statistical Procedures
view descriptors into SQL views.
Produces conversion
tables for the double-byte character sets that SAS supports.
Enables you to rearrange,
duplicate, or remove output from the results of a procedure or a database
query that are in ODS documents.
Produces printed output
with oversized text by expanding each letter into a matrix of characters.
Produces labels for
envelopes, mailing labels, external tape labels, file cards, and any
other printer forms that have a regular pattern.
Produces one-way to
n-way frequency and contingency (crosstabulation) tables.
Base SAS(R)
9.3 Procedures Guide: Statistical Procedures
Enables you to create
information maps programmatically
Sends an XML string
to the SAS Metadata Server.
Updates the metadata
in the metadata server to match the tables in a library.
Enables you to perform
administrative tasks in batch mode that are associated with the SAS
Metadata Server.
Produces a graph from
one or more input SAS data sets and a user-defined ODS Graphics Designer
(SGD) file.
Creates a panel of graph
cells for the values of one or more classification variables.
Creates one or more
plots and overlays them on a single set of axes.
Produces graphical output
from templates that are created with the Graph Template Language (GTL).
Creates a paneled graph
of scatter plots for multiple combinations of variables, depending
on the plot statement that you use.
Implements Structured
Query Language (SQL) for SAS.
Enables you to customize
the appearance of your SAS output.
Creates, edits, and
displays customized translation tables, and enables you to view and
modify translation tables that are supplied by SAS.
Provides a variety of
descriptive measures, graphical displays, and statistical methods,
which you can use to summarize, visualize, analyze, and model the
statistical distributions of numeric variables.
Base SAS(R)
9.3 Procedures Guide: Statistical Procedures