The CAPABILITY Procedure

Options for Traditional Graphics


applies the annotation requested with the ANNOTATE= option only to the key cell of a comparative plot. By default, the procedure applies annotation to all of the cells. You can use the KEYLEVEL= option in the CLASS statement or the CLASSKEY= option in the COMPHISTOGRAM statement to specify the key cell.


specifies an input data set that contains annotate variables, as described in SAS/GRAPH: Reference, for annotating traditional graphics. The ANNOTATE= data set you specify in the plot statement is used for all plots created by the statement. You can also specify an ANNOTATE= data set in the PROC CAPABILITY statement to enhance all plots created by the procedure (see ANNOTATE= Data Sets).


specifies the color for the axes and tick marks. This option overrides any COLOR= specifications in an AXIS statement.


specifies the color for the area that is enclosed by the axes and frame.


specifies the color to fill the frame area for the row labels that display along the left side of a comparative plot. This color also fills the frame area for the label of the corresponding CLASS variable, if you associate a label with the variable.


specifies the color to fill the frame area for the column labels that display across the top of a comparative plot. This color also fills the frame area for the label of the corresponding CLASS variable, if you associate a label with the variable.

CHREF=color | (color-list)
CH=color | (color-list)

specifies the colors for horizontal axis reference lines requested by the HREF= option. If you specify a single color, it is used for all HREF= lines. Otherwise, if there are fewer colors specified than reference lines requested, the remaining lines are displayed with the default reference line color. You can also specify the value _default in the color list to request the default color.


specifies the color of the curve or reference line associated with a distribution or kernel density estimate. Enclose the COLOR= option in parentheses after a distribution option or the KERNEL option. In a HISTOGRAM statement, you can specify a list of colors in parentheses for multiple density curves.

CSTATREF=color | (color-list)

specifies the colors for reference lines requested by the STATREF= option. If you specify a single color, it is used for all STATREF= lines. Otherwise, if there are fewer colors specified than reference lines requested, the remaining lines are displayed with the default reference line color. You can also specify the value _default in the color list to request the default color.


specifies the color for tick mark values and axis labels.


specifies the color for the row labels that display along the left side of a comparative plot. If you do not specify the CTEXTSIDE= option, the color specified with the CTEXT= option is used. You can specify the CFRAMESIDE= option to change the background color for the row labels.


specifies the color for the column labels that display along the left side of a comparative plot. If you do not specify the CTEXTTOP= option, the color specified with the CTEXT= option is used. You can use the CFRAMETOP= option to change the background color for the column labels.

CVREF=color | (color-list)
CV=color | (color-list)

specifies the colors for lines requested with the VREF= option. If you specify a single color, it is used for all VREF= lines. Otherwise, if there are fewer colors specified than reference lines requested, the remaining lines are displayed with the default reference line color. You can also specify the value _default in the color list to request the default color.


specifies a description, up to 256 characters long, for the GRSEG catalog entry for a traditional graphics chart. The default value is the analysis variable name.


specifies a font for reference line and axis labels. You can also specify fonts for axis labels in an AXIS statement. The FONT= option takes precedence over the FTEXT= font specified in the GOPTIONS statement. For a list of software fonts, see SAS/GRAPH: Reference.


specifies the height, in percentage screen units, of text for axis labels, tick mark labels, and legends. This option takes precedence over the HTEXT= option in the GOPTIONS statement.


specifies the number of minor tick marks between each major tick mark on the horizontal axis. Minor tick marks are not labeled. By default, HMINOR=0.


specifies a font to use for text inside the framed areas of the plot. The INFONT= option takes precedence over the FTEXT= option in the GOPTIONS statement. For a list of software fonts, see SAS/GRAPH: Reference.


specifies the height, in percentage screen units, of text used inside the framed areas of the plot. If you do not specify the INHEIGHT= option, the height specified with the HEIGHT= option is used.


specifies the line type of the curve or reference line associated with a distribution or kernel density estimate. Enclose the L= option in parentheses after the distribution option or the KERNEL option. In a HISTOGRAM statement, you can specify a list of line types in parentheses for multiple density curves.

LHREF=linetype | linetype-list
LH=linetype | linetype-list

specifies the line types for the reference lines that you request with the HREF= option. If you specify a single line type, it is used for all HREF= lines. Otherwise, if there are fewer line types specified than reference lines requested, the remaining lines are displayed with the default reference line type. You can also specify line type 0 to request the default color.

LSTATREF=linetype | linetype-list

specifies the line types for the reference lines that you request with the STATREF= option. If you specify a single line type, it is used for all STATREF= lines. Otherwise, if there are fewer line types specified than reference lines requested, the remaining lines are displayed with the default reference line type. You can also specify line type 0 to request the default color.

LVREF=linetype | linetype-list
LV=linetype | linetype-list

specifies the line types for lines requested with the VREF= option. If you specify a single line type, it is used for all VREF= lines. Otherwise, if there are fewer line types specified than reference lines requested, the remaining lines are displayed with the default reference line type. You can also specify line type 0 to request the default color.


specifies the name of the GRSEG catalog entry for a traditional graphics plot, and the name of the graphics output file if one is created. The name can be up to 256 characters long, but the GRSEG name is truncated to eight characters. The default value is 'CAPABILI'.


suppresses the frame around the subplot area.


turns the characters in the vertical axis labels so that they display vertically.


specifies the number of minor tick marks between each major tick mark on the vertical axis. Minor tick marks are not labeled. The default is zero.


specifies the width in pixels of the curve or reference line associated with a distribution or kernel density estimate. Enclose the W= option in parentheses after the distribution option or the KERNEL option. In a HISTOGRAM statement, you can specify a list of widths in parentheses for multiple density curves.


specifies the line thickness, in pixels, for the axes and frame.