spawner -install -netencryptalgorithm ssl -sslcertsubj "" -sascmd mysas.bat -servuser userid -servpass passwordThe following table shows the SAS commands that are used to start a spawner on a
an instance of a spawner to be installed as a Windows service. For information about
the -INSTALL option, see Options for the Windows Spawner in Communications Access Methods for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE.
Specifies the user-ID to
be used to start the spawner and to obtain a digital certificate. The -SERVUSER and the -SERVPASS options
are used together and must be specified when the spawner is installed
as a service (the -INSTALL option is specified). For information about
the -SERVUSER option, see Options for the Windows Spawner in Communications Access Methods for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE.
Specifies the password to
be used to start the spawner and to obtain a digital certificate. The -SERVUSER and the -SERVPASS options
are used together and must be specified when the spawner is installed
as a service (the -INSTALL option is specified). For information about
the -SERVPASS option, see Options for the Windows Spawner in Communications Access Methods for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE.
options comamid=tcp netencryptalgorithm=ssl; %let; signon machine user=_prompt_;The computer that is specified in the client signon and the subject (the -SSLCERTSUBJ option) that is specified at the server must be identical.