SSLPKCS12LOC= System Option

Specifies the location of the PKCS #12 encoding package file.
Client: optional
Server: optional
Valid in: Configuration file, OPTIONS statement, SAS System Options window, SAS invocation, SAS/CONNECT spawner command line
Category: Communications: Networking and Encryption
PROC OPTIONS GROUP= Communications
Operating environment: UNIX, z/OS
Tip: When additional encryption options are specified on the spawner command line, the options must be included in the -SASCMD value. The spawner does not automatically pass the encryption values. For detailed information about -SASCMD, see Starting the UNIX Spawner in Communications Access Methods for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE and Options to Start the z/OS Spawner in Communications Access Methods for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE.
SSL on a z/OS Spawner on a SAS/CONNECT Server: Example

SSL for SAS/SHARE under z/OS: Example



Syntax Description

specifies the location of the PKCS #12 DER encoding package file that contains the certificate and the private key.
z/OS specifics:If you run in a z/OS operating environment, this file must be in the UNIX file system. The OpenSSL library cannot read MVS data sets.


If the SSLPKCS12LOC= option is specified, the PKCS #12 DER encoding package must contain both the certificate and private key. The SSLCERTLOC= and SSLPVTKEYLOC= options will be ignored.
You must specify both the -SSLPKCS12LOC and the -SSLPKCS12PASS options in the -SASCMD script if you want the spawner to locate the appropriate digital certificate.