LOCK Statement
Places an exclusive lock on a specified data object.
libref<.member-name<.member-type> | <.member-name.entry-name.entry-type><LIST | CLEAR>> ;
Syntax Description
- libref
specifies the name
of a SAS library that is currently accessed through a SAS/SHARE server.
- member-name
specifies the name
of a member in the library libref that is to be locked.
- member-type
specifies the type
of SAS file to be locked. Valid values are DATA, VIEW, and CATALOG.
The default is DATA.
member-type is omitted or is specified as the
value DATA or VIEW, two locks are obtained: one lock on
libref.member-name.DATA and the other lock on
- entry-name
specifies the name
of the catalog entry to be locked.
- entry-type
specifies the type
of the catalog entry to be locked.
writes to the SAS log
whether the specified data object is locked and by whom. This argument
is optional.
releases a lock on
the specified data object that was acquired by using the LOCK statement
in your SAS session. This argument is optional.
Example 1
In the
following example, the first LOCK statement acquires implicit locks
on the SAS library EDUCLIB and on the SAS catalog EDUCLIB.MYCAT. It
then acquires an explicit lock on the catalog entry EDUCLIB.MYCAT.CHOICE1.MENU.
The second LOCK statement acquires an explicit lock on the catalog
lock educlib.mycat.choice1.menu;
lock educlib.mycat.choice2.menu;
Example 2
In the
following example, the first LOCK statement that contains the argument
CLEAR releases the explicit lock on the catalog entry CHOICE1.MENU,
but it does not release the implicit locks because an entry in the
catalog is still locked. The second LOCK statement that contains the
argument CLEAR releases the explicit lock on the catalog entry CHOICE2.MENU.
Because no catalog entries remain locked, the second statement that
contains the argument CLEAR also releases the implicit lock on the
SAS catalog EDUCLIB.MYCAT. Because no other members of the library
are locked, it also releases the implicit lock on the SAS library
/* Update the two catalog entries as needed. */
lock educlib.mycat.choice1.menu clear;
lock educlib.mycat.choice2.menu clear;