PROC LOGISTIC provides partial proportional odds logistic regression with the UNEQUALSLOPES option in the MODEL statement. The ESTIMATE, LSMEANS, LSMESTIMATE, SLICE, and STORE statements can now be used for a stratified analysis. The PCORR option in the MODEL statement computes the partial correlation statistic for each model parameter (excluding the intercept).
The ID statement specifies variables in the DATA= data set that are used for labeling ROC curves and influence diagnostic plots.
The NLOPTIONS statement controls the optimization process for conditional analyses (specified with a STRATA statement) and for constrained optimization (specified with the UNEQUALSLOPES option in the MODEL statement).
The EFFECTPLOT statement and the PLOTS=EFFECT option have two new options for displaying plots with a CLASS effect on the X axis. The CLUSTER option displays the levels of the SLICEBY= effect in a side-by-side fashion. The CONNECT option connects the predicted values with a line.