The Power and Sample Size Application


When you first run SAS Power and Sample Size 3.1 (PSS), you are asked to provide configuration information.

First, you are asked for the name of a directory to contain the your power and sample size projects. A folder named pss is created in the specified directory, and projects are stored in the pss folder. This directory cannot be the same as the one used by PSS 2.0. If it is, PSS requires that another folder name be provided.

Then, if the appropriate release of the SAS System is available on the desktop machine, you are asked whether a connection should be automatically created to it. If you respond No, then PSS informs you that a connection to the SAS server is necessary and asks if you want to select one now or later. A connection to a SAS server is not necessary to use the application until the Calculate button on the Edit Properties page of a project is clicked. More information about connections is available in the section Setting Preferences.

Then, PSS displays a wizard to help you import existing PSS projects from either a previous release (PSS 2.0) or the current one (PSS 3.1). More information is available in the section Importing Projects.