Introduction to Analysis of Variance Procedures

For More Information

Analysis of variance was pioneered by Fisher (1925). For a general introduction to analysis of variance, see an intermediate statistical methods textbook such as Steel and Torrie (1980); Snedecor and Cochran (1980); Milliken and Johnson (1984); Mendenhall (1968); John (1971); Ott (1977); Kirk (1968). A classic source is Scheffé (1959). Freund, Littell, and Spector (1991) bring together a treatment of these statistical methods and SAS/STAT software procedures. Schlotzhauer and Littell (1997) cover how to perform t tests and one-way analysis of variance with SAS/STAT procedures. Texts on linear models include Searle (1971); Graybill (1976); Hocking (1985). Kennedy and Gentle (1980) survey the computing aspects. Other references appear in the reference section.