Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling with Latent Variables

Statistical Graphics

PROC CALIS provides the following high-quality statistical graphics:

  • Customizable path diagrams by using the PLOTS=PATHDIAGRAM option in the PROC CALIS statement or options in the PATHDIAGRAM statement. Path diagrams provide intuitive representations of your models and estimation results.

  • Various case-level residual diagnostic plots and outlier-by-leverage plots by using the RESIDUAL and PLOTS=CASERESID options. You can use these plots to locate data points that are considered to be model outliers or influential observations.

  • Residual distributions of sample moments by using the RESIDUAL and PLOTS=RESIDUAL options. You can use these plots to check whether moment residuals are distributed approximately like a normal variate. You can also use these plots to locate problematic variables that do not fit well.