Shared Concepts and Topics

Syntax: TEST Statement

  • TEST <model-effects> </ options>;

Table 19.32 summarizes options in the TEST statement.

Table 19.32: TEST Statement Options




Requests chi-square tests


Specifies denominator degrees of freedom for fixed effects


Requests Type I, Type II, and Type III coefficients


Requests Type I coefficients


Requests Type II coefficients


Requests Type III coefficients


Indicates the type of hypothesis test to perform


Adds a row that corresponds to the overall intercept

You can specify the following options in the TEST statement after the slash (/):


requests that chi-square tests be performed for the relevant effects in addition to the F tests. Type III tests are the default; you can produce the Type I and Type II tests by using the HTYPE= option. This option has no effect when the procedure produces chi-square statistics by default.


specifies the denominator degrees of freedom for the fixed effects. The value-list specification is a list of numbers or missing values (.) separated by commas. The order of degrees of freedom should match the order of the fixed effects that are specified in the TEST statement; otherwise it should match the order in which the effects appear in the "Type III Tests of Fixed Effects" table. If you want to retain the default degrees of freedom for a particular effect, use a missing value for its location in the list. In the following example, the first TEST statement assigns 3 denominator degrees of freedom to A and 4.7 to A*B, while those for B remain the same, and the second TEST statement assigns 5 denominator degrees of freedom to A and uses the default degrees of freedom for B.

model Y = A B A*B;
test  / ddf=3,.,4.7;
test  B A / ddf=.,5;

requests that Type I, Type II, and Type III $\bL $ matrix coefficients be displayed for all relevant effects.

E1 | EI

requests that Type I $\bL $ matrix coefficients be displayed for all relevant effects.

E2 | EII

requests that Type II $\bL $ matrix coefficients be displayed for all relevant effects.


requests that Type III $\bL $ matrix coefficients be displayed for all relevant effects.


indicates the type of hypothesis test to perform on the fixed effects. Valid entries for values in the value-list are 1, 2, and 3, which correspond to Type I, Type II, and Type III tests, respectively. The default value is 3.


adds a row to the tables for Type I, II, and III tests that correspond to the overall intercept.