The default destination in the SAS windowing environment is HTML and ODS Graphics is enabled by default.[5] These defaults have several advantages. Graphs are integrated with tables, and all output is displayed in the same HTML file. The HTML destination uses the HTMLBLUE style, which is an all-color style, that is designed to integrate tables and modern statistical graphics.
You can view and modify the default settings by selecting
from the menu at the top of the main SAS window. Then click the tab. You can remember this sequence using the mnemonic TOPR (pronounced "topper"). See FigureĀ 20.1.
The default settings are as follows:
HTML output is created when
is selected, and all output is viewed in the Results Viewer window.ODS Graphics is enabled when
is selected.Results are viewed in an internal SAS browser when
is selected.Graph image files are saved in the Work
folder (not in your current folder) when is selected.
LISTING output is not created when the
box is cleared.In many cases, graphs are an integral part of a data analysis. However, when you run large computational programs (such as when you use procedures with many BY groups), you might not want to create graphs. In those cases, you should disable ODS Graphics, which will improve the performance of your program. You can disable and re-enable ODS Graphics in your SAS programs with the ODS GRAPHICS OFF and ODS GRAPHICS ON statements. You can also change the ODS Graphics default in the tab.
In the SAS windowing environment, the current folder is displayed in the status line at the bottom of the main SAS window.
When Work
folder and are not available after your SAS session ends.
[5] HTML output with ODS Graphics enabled is the default in the SAS windowing environment for Microsoft Windows and UNIX, but not on the mainframe.