Sashelp Data Sets

Fisher (1936) Iris Data

The Sashelp.Iris data set (Fisher, 1936) is widely used for examples of discriminant analysis and cluster analysis. The data are measurements in millimeters of the sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width of 50 iris specimens from each of three species: Iris setosa, I. versicolor, and I. virginica. The following steps display information about the Sashelp.Iris data set and create Figure B.10:

title 'Fisher (1936) Iris Data';
proc contents data=sashelp.Iris varnum;
   ods select position;

title 'The First Five Observations Out of 150';
proc print data=sashelp.Iris(obs=5);

title 'The Iris Species Variable';
proc freq data=sashelp.Iris;
   tables species;

Figure B.10: Fisher (1936) Iris Data

Fisher (1936) Iris Data

Variables in Creation Order
# Variable Type Len Label
1 Species Char 10 Iris Species
2 SepalLength Num 8 Sepal Length (mm)
3 SepalWidth Num 8 Sepal Width (mm)
4 PetalLength Num 8 Petal Length (mm)
5 PetalWidth Num 8 Petal Width (mm)

The First Five Observations Out of 150

Obs Species SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth
1 Setosa 50 33 14 2
2 Setosa 46 34 14 3
3 Setosa 46 36 10 2
4 Setosa 51 33 17 5
5 Setosa 55 35 13 2

The Iris Species Variable

Iris Species
Species Frequency Percent Cumulative
Setosa 50 33.33 50 33.33
Versicolor 50 33.33 100 66.67
Virginica 50 33.33 150 100.00