Oracle WebLogic Server

Configuration Steps for Your WebLogic Server

By default, SAS automatically configures your WebLogic Server. However, depending on your site, you might need to complete these additional steps.
Note: If you deployed your Web applications across multiple servers, then complete these steps on the server where Web Infrastructure Platform is deployed. Typically, this server is named SASServer1.

Restore Customizations for Web Authentication

Here are the high-level steps that you must complete to restore any customizations for Web authentication.
  1. Modify Logon Manager.
  2. Include SAS JAR files in the system Classpath.
  3. Set the CLASSPATH for the Remote Services JVM and restart Remote Services.
  4. Start the WebLogic server.
  5. Log on to verify the Web authentication configuration.
For more information about each task, see the corresponding topics in Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3 for Web Authentication with SAS 9.3 Web Applications. This document is available from