Walter R. Paczkowski
Market Research Consultant

Walter R. Paczkowski, PhD, is a market research consultant focused on helping companies turn their market data into actionable market information in a wide range of industries, such as telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, jewelry, food and beverage, and automotive. With nearly 40 years of extensive quantitative experience as an analyst in AT&T's Analytical Support Center, a member of the technical staff at AT&T Bell Labs, head of pricing research at AT&T's Computer Systems Division, and founder of his consulting company Data Analytics Corporation, he brings a wealth of knowledge to share about data analysis. He is currently an adjunct professor in the Department of Economics at Rutgers University, and he was formerly an adjunct professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at The College of New Jersey. He received his PhD in Economics from Texas A&M University.

By This Author

Market Data Analysis Using JMP®

By Walter R. Paczkowski

With the powerful interactive and visual functionality of JMP, you can dynamically analyze market data to transform it into actionable and useful information with clear, concise, and insightful reports and displays. Market Data Analysis Using JMP is a unique example-driven book because it has a specific application focus: market data analysis.