Load Balancing Error Messages

Here are error messages that might be reported by the object spawner (or the OLAP server when load balanced) and explanations to correct their cause. You will find some of these messages only in the object spawner or OLAP server logs. For more information about changing the spawner logging level, see Configure Object Spawner Logging . For more information about the OLAP server, see Administering SAS OLAP Servers . If you are unable to resolve the error, contact SAS Technical Support.
  • Objspawn was unable to launch the server server_name due to the server launch exceeding the specified wait time. The server did not start in the specified amount of time.
    The specified server took longer than the configured Launch Timeout setting to start completely.
    This message might appear if the system is in heavy use and cannot start a server in an efficient manner. You might need to increase the value that is specified in the Launch Timeout to allow sufficient time for your servers to start. You might want to also investigate the amount of work that this system is currently being sent and determine whether it is overloaded.
  • Port is reserved for server name and cannot be used as a load balanced server instance listen port. Therefore, this server definition will not be included. Port is reserved for a load balanced server instance of server name. Therefore, this server definition will not be included.
    There is a port conflict between a load-balanced server and a server that is not load-balanced. These different types of servers cannot use the same port.
    Change one of the ports of the server listed so that they are different. Restart your object spawner.
  • Load balanced server listen port is in use. This might cause future load balanced server launches to fail.
    Some other application is already using the port that is specified for the server to use. Future failures might occur because servers of this kind that are launched for load balancing might fail.
    Select a different port for the server in question.
  • The credentials specified for the name (ID) cluster definition failed to authenticate. A failure occurred during the retrieval of the authenticated credentials for the name cluster definition.
    Load balancing is unable to obtain or authenticate the specified credentials for the load-balanced logical server or cluster listed in the message. This will prevent load balancing from sharing the load among the other servers that are defined.
    Verify that the correct credentials have been defined for the cluster or logical server. Credentials are set in the logical server on the Load Balancing tab of the Logical Server's property page.
  • The name (ID) cluster does not contain any valid server definitions. Therefore, this cluster definition will not be included. No valid cluster could be found for this configuration. Check your configuration and try again. No valid server definitions found for cluster name (ID). No valid server definitions were found in cluster name (ID).
    One or more errors were found when trying to process the cluster and its server definitions. The object spawner will not monitor this cluster.
    View the object spawner log to find other errors or warnings that have caused the cluster and servers to fail to process. Correct these issues and restart your object spawner.
  • The name (ID) server definition is a load balanced server that requires credentials. No credentials were associated with the definition. Therefore, this server definition will not be included.
    Certain load-balancing servers require credentials in order to be launched by load balancing. The server that is specified here requires credentials, but none were found.
    Specify credentials on the Options tab of the property page of the listed server definition. Restart your object spawner.
  • There is no available server for this client to use. The Balance algorithm timed out before a server could be found. Unable to find an available server to redirect client.
    There are no available servers at this time. All servers in the cluster are busy with clients and cannot handle any new clients at this time.
    The client can try again later when the servers are less busy. The system administrator might want to determine whether the settings need to be adjusted to allow more clients in. Also, more servers might need to be added to handle the client load.
  • More servers were requested to be started than were actually defined. Overflow requests will be ignored.
    The Start Size property for this specified server a number of servers larger than the number allowed by the configuration.
    The Start Size property is found in the Advanced Options of the Options tab of the server definition. This message is just a warning that only the number of configured servers will be started, and not more as specified by the Start Size property.
  • An error occurred while server (server_name) was starting. Now attempting a different server. Unable to start the server name (ID).
    The specified server failed to start for load balancing. Load balancing will now attempt to use a different server.
    Check the object spawner log to determine whether any messages indicate why the server failed to start. A problem with the server or its command line might need to be corrected. Also, the system might have become to busy or overloaded to handle starting a new server at this time.
  • Attempt to connect to peer failed. Attempt to connect to peer (name) for cluster name (ID) failed with exception message.
    Load balancing was configured to use several machines to balance the client load, but was unable to connect to one of the other peers as defined in the cluster. Load Balancing will not be able to use that peer at this time. A peer can be another object spawner.
    This message might be seen during initialization due to the fact the other peers or object spawners have not initialized yet. Once they initialize, load balancing will be able to communicate with them. Ensure that the other peers have initialized.
  • The Max Clients property for this server is set to 0. No clients will be redirected to this server definition.
    The server has been configured to allow a maximum of zero clients. Therefore, no clients will be sent to this server.
    If the intent is to not allow clients in to this server, then there is not resolution. However, if this is not the intent, the Max Clients property can be updated in the Advanced Options dialog box on the Options Tab of the server's property page.
  • The name (ID) cluster definition requires the use of multibridge connections and none were found. Therefore, this cluster definition will not be included.
    The specified cluster contains servers that require the use of a multibridge connection. None were defined for the servers in this cluster.
    Correct this issue by adding multibridge connections to the servers that are members of the specified cluster. Multibridge connections can be added on the Options tab of the server's Bridge connection property page.
  • The password obtained from the metadata indicates that it was obtained by a user that has unrestricted access. Please check your configuration.
    The connection to the metadata server has been made by an unrestricted user. An unrestricted user cannot connect to the metadata server for load balancing, because this prevents load balancing from getting some necessary information.
    Check your configuration file or command line. Ensure that the user is not an unrestricted user and does not have the User Administration role granted.
  • The host name resolved to an address that matches a host name already found in this definition (name). Therefore, this host name will be skipped.
    The specified host name has resolved to an address that the load balancer has already processed. To avoid potential confusion and conflicts, the load balancer will treat these two host names as the same machine.
    Check and ensure that the machine names are configured correctly.
  • The cluster name (ID) does not have a valid user name associated with it. Load balancing does not support anonymous connections. Specify credentials for you cluster and retry.
    Load balancing has been configured to use multiple servers on multiple hosts in this particular cluster. To do so, load balancing must connect to the other hosts. However, no credentials were configured to make this connection with.
    Specify credentials in the cluster definition. Credentials can be specified on the Load Balancing tab of the cluster's property page.