To assist in troubleshooting,
SAS Technical Support might request that you capture generated XML
entries in the metadata server log.
When clients communicate
with the SAS Metadata Server to create, update, delete, or query a
metadata object, information about the metadata object is represented
in XML. The metadata server also uses XML entries to return information
about metadata objects to clients. For example, to add a metadata
object to a repository, clients use the AddMetadata method of the
SAS Open Metadata Interface. One of the parameters for this method
is an XML description of the object to be added. If a client requests
that a table object be added, then the request includes an XML description
of the table, as shown in this example:
<PhysicalTable Name="NECust" Desc="All customers in the northeast region"/>
metadata server returns an XML string that includes the input description
as well as the object ID of the new metadata object.
These XML entries can
be captured in the metadata server log (or in a separate log file)
and used for troubleshooting. To capture the entries, use the one
of the following procedures (or a combination of these procedures)
as appropriate:
Note: For more information about
the call interfaces, see
SAS Language Interfaces to Metadata.