Step 7: Print the Data from the Information Map

You can use the PRINT procedure to print all of the data that the information map contains. If the information map contains any filters, they can be used to restrict the amount of returned data. For the purpose of this example, only the first five observations are selected.
The following code uses the PRINT procedure to display information about the data items:
/* Print five observations of detailed data from the data that */
/* the information map references.                             */
proc print data=HR_Data."Employee Info"n (obs=5);

/* Use aggregation and a filter to produce a report of total */
/* salary for selected divisions.                            */
title1 "Total salary for each division except PUBS and EDU";
title2 "and the Host Systems division";
proc print data=HR_Data."Employee Info"n
              (keep="Annual Salary"n Division 
               filter=(NOT("Education and Publications"n 
                       OR "Host Systems Development"n)) );
Log for the PRINT Procedure
130  /* Print five observations of detailed data from the data that */
131  /* the information map references.                             */
132  proc print data=HR_Data."Employee Info"n (obs=5);
133  run;

NOTE: There were 5 observations read from the data set HR_DATA.'Employee Info'n.
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.44 seconds
      cpu time            0.07 seconds

136  /* Use aggregation and a filter to produce a report of total */
137  /* salary for selected divisions.                            */
138  title1 "Total salary for each division except PUBS and EDU";
139  title2 "and the Host Systems division";
140  proc print data=HR_Data."Employee Info"n
141                (keep="Annual Salary"n Division
142                 aggregate=yes
143                 filter=(NOT("Education and Publications"n
144                         OR "Host Systems Development"n)) );
145  run;

NOTE: There were 14 observations read from the data set HR_DATA.'Employee Info'n.
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.42 seconds
      cpu time            0.06 seconds
Output from the PRINT Procedure
                                                           Identification    Dept_
        Obs    Jobcode    Location    Division                 Number        code

          1    FAC011       Cary      FACILITIES            333-88-1850       FAC
          2    TS0007       Cary      TECHNICAL SUPPORT     333-88-7366       TS0
          3    SAM009       Cary      SALES & MARKETING     301-97-8691       SAM
          4    ACT001       Cary      FINANCE               333-44-5555       ACT
          5    VID001       Cary      VIDEO                 333-78-0101       VID

                                             Annual         Monthly
        Obs    Title                         Salary          Salary      Enddate

          1    LANDSCAPING SUPV             $28,000          $2,333            .
          2    TECH SUP ANALYST II          $32,000          $2,667            .
          3    MARKETING ANALYST            $52,000          $4,333            .
          4    TAX ACCOUNTANT I             $37,000          $3,083            .
          5    VIDEO PRODUCER               $25,400          $2,117            .

                  Total salary for each division except PUBS and EDU
                            and the Host Systems division

                        Obs    Division                      Salary

                          1    CALIFORNIA REGIONAL          $96,500
                          2    CONTRACTS                   $511,000
                          3    EXECUTIVE                   $973,000
                          4    FACILITIES                  $596,500
                          5    FINANCE                     $326,000
                          6    HUMAN RESOURCES             $824,500
                          7    INFORMATION SYSTEMS         $919,500
                          8    INTERNAL DATA BASE          $178,000
                          9    QUALITY ASSURANCE           $898,000
                         10    SALES & MARKETING         $1,254,500
                         11    SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT      $2,348,000
                         12    TECHNICAL SUPPORT           $688,000
                         13    TEXAS REGIONAL              $918,000
                         14    VIDEO                       $238,400