Step 8: Analyze the Data in SAS and Produce an ODS Report

You can use the MEANS procedure to analyze the annual salary data that you have retrieved from the information map. For the purpose of this example, you will use a DATA step to apply a filter to view only the data for the employees in the Host Systems Development Division. You will then use the MEANS procedure to analyze the annual salary data for the mean, the minimum, and the maximum salaries for each job code in the division. And, finally, a report is produced with ODS (Output Delivery System).
The following code analyzes the data and produces an ODS report:
/* Use a filter to create a data set that contains only data */
/* for the Host Systems Development division.                */
data work.HRinfo;
set HR_Data."Employee Info"n(filter="Host Systems Development"n);
keep jobcode "Annual Salary"n;

/* Produce an ODS report. */
ods html body="example_body.htm";

/* Analyze the annual salary distribution data. */
proc means data=work.HRinfo maxdec=0;
           var "Annual Salary"n;
           class jobcode;
           title "Annual Salary by Job Code in Host Systems Development Division";

/* Close ODS output. */
ods html close;
Log for the DATA Step and the MEANS Procedure
147  /* Use a filter to create a data set that contains only data */
148  /* for the Host Systems Development division.                */
149  data work.HRinfo;
150  set HR_Data."Employee Info"n(filter="Host Systems Development"n);
151  keep jobcode "Annual Salary"n;
152  run;

NOTE: There were 21 observations read from the data set HR_DATA.'Employee Info'n.
NOTE: The data set WORK.HRINFO has 21 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.39 seconds
      cpu time            0.07 seconds

154  /* Produce an ODS report. */
155  ods html body="example_body.htm";
NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: example_body.htm
157  /* Analyze the annual salary distribution data. */
158  proc means data=work.HRinfo maxdec=0;
159             var "Annual Salary"n;
160             class jobcode;
161             title "Annual Salary by Job Code in Host Systems Development Division"
161! ;
162  run;

NOTE: There were 21 observations read from the data set WORK.HRINFO.
NOTE: PROCEDURE MEANS used (Total process time):
      real time           0.02 seconds
      cpu time            0.03 seconds

164  /* Close ODS output. */
165  ods html close;
Output from the MEANS Procedure
            Annual Salary by Job Code in Host Systems Development Division

                                 The MEANS Procedure

              Analysis Variable : Annual Salary Physical column SALARY

column        N
JOBCODE     Obs     N            Mean         Std Dev         Minimum         Maximum
HSD001        1     1           30000               .           30000           30000

HSD002        4     4           39625           11940           27000           55000

HSD003        1     1           29000               .           29000           29000

HSD004        3     3           47667           20108           31000           70000

HSD005        2     2           57500            3536           55000           60000

HSD006        1     1          120000               .          120000          120000

HSD007        4     4           65750            9777           57000           79000

HSD008        5     5           61000           18990           45000           93500
The report that is produced by ODS should look similar to the following:
Report Displayed in the Results Viewer
Report displayed in the results viewer