specifies the name of a variable to contain the values of the Theil’s BLUS residuals. Refer to Theil (1971) for more information on BLUS residuals.
writes to the output data set the value of the
error variance
from the heteroscedasticity model specified by the HETERO statement or the value of the conditional error variance
by the GARCH= option in the MODEL statement.
writes the conditional prediction error variance to the output data set. The value of conditional prediction error variance
is equal to that of the conditional error variance when there are no autoregressive parameters. See the section Predicted Values for details.
writes the transformed intercept to the output data set. The details of the transformation are described in Computational Methods.
specifies the name of a variable to contain the CUSUM statistics.
specifies the name of a variable to contain the CUSUMSQ statistics.
specifies the name of a variable to contain the upper confidence bound for the CUSUM statistic.
specifies the name of a variable to contain the lower confidence bound for the CUSUM statistic.
specifies the name of a variable to contain the upper confidence bound for the CUSUMSQ statistic.
specifies the name of a variable to contain the lower confidence bound for the CUSUMSQ statistic.
writes the lower confidence limit for the predicted value (specified in the PREDICTED= option) to the output data set. The
size of the confidence interval is set by the ALPHACLI= option. See the section Predicted Values for details.
writes the lower confidence limit for the structural predicted value (specified in the PREDICTEDM= option) to the output data
set under the name given. The size of the confidence interval is set by the ALPHACLM= option.
writes the predicted values to the output data
set. These values are formed from both the structural and autoregressive parts of the model. See the section Predicted Values for details.
writes the structural predicted values to the output
data set. These values are formed from only the structural part of the model. See the section Predicted Values for details.
specifies the name of a variable to contain the part of the predictive error variance (
) that is used to compute the recursive residuals.
specifies the name of a variable to contain recursive residuals. The recursive residuals are used to compute the CUSUM and
CUSUMSQ statistics.
writes the residuals from the predicted values based on both
the structural and time series parts of the model to the output data set.
writes the residuals from the structural prediction to the
output data set.
transforms the specified variables from the input data set
by the autoregressive model and writes the transformed variables to the output data set. The details of the transformation
are described in the section Computational Methods. If you need to reproduce the data suitable for re-estimation, you must also transform an intercept variable. To do this,
transform a variable that is all 1s or use the CONSTANT= option.
writes the upper confidence limit for the predicted value
(specified in the PREDICTED= option) to the output data set. The size of the confidence interval is set by the ALPHACLI= option.
For more information, see the section Predicted Values.
writes the upper confidence limit for the structural
predicted value (specified in the PREDICTEDM= option) to the output data set. The size of the confidence interval is set by
the ALPHACLM= option.