The SASEHAVR Interface Engine

Setting Up the Haver Analytics DLX Application Programming Interface

If this is your first time using the SASEHAVR interface engine on your Windows machine, then it is necessary to follow these setup instructions. If you have already used the SASEHAVR interface, then just check the file version number of your already installed dlxapi32.dll (or dlxapi64.dll). For 32-bit installations, the file version is, and for 64-bit installations, the file version is The Haver API version number appears in the SAS log the first time you assign a SASEHAVR libref. In Windows Explorer, you can see a file’s properties, including its version number, by hovering the mouse pointer over the file icon. Alternatively, you can right-click on the file icon to bring up the properties and click the Details tab to see the version number.

To set up the Haver Analytics API on your machine, visit the SAS Technical Support download site at the following URL:

First, create a folder on your system drive (usually designated as C:), and name the folder HAVER. Create an environment variable named HAVER as follows:


If your SAS system is 32-bit, then download the files dlxapi32.h, dlxapi32.dll, and dlxapi32.lib to your HAVER folder. If your SAS system is 64-bit, then download the files dlxapi64.h, dlxapi64.dll, and dlxapi64.lib to your HAVER folder. Second, prepend the location of your HAVER folder to the system environment variable (%PATH%) as follows, so that the SASEHAVR engine can find your downloaded Haver API files:


Reboot your system to complete the Haver API setup.