LENGTH = integer <options> ;
The SEASON or SEASONAL statement is used to specify a seasonal component,
, in the model. A seasonal component can be one of the two types, DUMMY or TRIG. A DUMMY seasonal with season length
satisfies the following stochastic equation:
The equations for a TRIG (short for trigonometric) seasonal component are as follows
is even and
if it is odd. The sinusoids, also called harmonics,
have frequencies
and are specified by the matrix equation
where the disturbances
are assumed to be independent and, for fixed
. If
is even, then the equation for
is not needed and
is given by
In the TRIG seasonal case, the option KEEPH= or DROPH= can be used to obtain subset trigonometric seasonals that contain only a subset of the full set of harmonics
. This is particularly useful when the season length
is large and the seasonal pattern is relatively smooth.
Note that whether the seasonal type is DUMMY or TRIG, there is only one parameter, the disturbance variance
, in the seasonal model.
There can be more than one seasonal component in the model, necessarily with different season lengths if the seasons are full.
You can have multiple subset season components with the same season length, if you need to use separate disturbance variances for different sets of harmonics.
Each seasonal component is specified using a separate SEASON statement. A model with multiple seasonal components can easily
become quite complex and might need a large amount of data and computing resources for its estimation and forecasting. The
examples that follow illustrate the use of SEASON statement.
The following statement specifies a DUMMY type (default) seasonal component with a season length of four, corresponding to
the quarterly seasonality. The disturbance variance
is estimated from the data.
season length=4;
The following statement specifies a trigonometric seasonal with monthly seasonality. It also provides a starting value for
season length=12 type=trig variance=4;
DROPHARMONICS|DROPH=number-list | n TO m BY p
enables you to drop some harmonics
from the full set of harmonics used to obtain a trigonometric seasonal. The drop list can include any integer between 1 and
being the season length. For example, the following specification results in a specification of a trigonometric seasonal
with a season length 12 that consists of only the first four harmonics
season length=12 type=trig DROPH=5 6;
The last two high frequency harmonics are dropped. The DROPH= option cannot be used with the KEEPH= option.
KEEPHARMONICS|KEEPH=number-list | n TO m BY p
enables you to keep only the harmonics
listed in the option to obtain a trigonometric seasonal. The keep list can include any integer between 1 and
being the season length. For example, the following specification results in a specification of a trigonometric seasonal
with a season length of 12 that consists of all the six harmonics
season length=12 type=trig KEEPH=1 to 3;
season length=12 type=trig KEEPH=4 to 6;
However, these six harmonics are grouped into two groups, each having its own disturbance variance parameter. The DROPH= option cannot be used with the KEEPH= option.
specifies the season length, s. This is a required option in this statement. The season length can be any integer greater than or equal to 2. Typical examples
of season lengths are 12, corresponding to the monthly seasonality, or 4, corresponding to the quarterly seasonality.
fixes the value of the disturbance variance parameter to the value specified in the VARIANCE= option.
PLOT=( <plot request> …<plot request> )
requests plots of the season component.
When you specify only one plot request, you can omit the parentheses around the plot request. You can use the FILTER and SMOOTH
options to plot the filtered and smoothed estimates of the season component
. You can use the F_ANNUAL and S_ANNUAL options to get the plots of “annual” variation in the filtered and smoothed estimates of
. The annual plots are useful to see the change in the contribution of a particular month over the span of years. Here “month” and “year” are generic terms that change appropriately with the interval type being used to label the observations and the season length.
For example, for monthly data with a season length of 12, the usual meaning applies, while for daily data with a season length
of 7, the days of the week serve as months and the weeks serve as years.
requests printing of the summary of harmonics present in the seasonal component. This option is valid only for the trigonometric
seasonal component.
PRINT=( <print request> …<print request> )
requests printing of the filtered or smoothed estimate of the
seasonal component
specifies the type of the seasonal component. The default type is DUMMY.
specifies an initial value for the disturbance variance,
, in the
equation at the start of the parameter estimation process. Any nonnegative value, including zero, is an acceptable starting