To enhance the appearance of the final report, you can use the following:
TITLE and LABEL statements
column headings
row titles
row and column spacing control
overlining and underlining
The following example enhances the report in the previous example. The enhanced report is shown in FigureĀ 9.7.
The TITLE statement assigns the report title. The column headings in FigureĀ 9.7 (Division A, Division B, and Division C) are assigned in the first COLUMNS statement by "Division" _name_ specification. The second COLUMNS statement assigns the column heading ("All" "Divisions"), sets the spacing (+4), and formats the values in the TOTAL column.
Similarly, the first ROWS statement uses previously assigned variable labels for row labels by specifying the _LABEL_ option. The DUL option in the second ROWS statement double-underlines the INSURE row. The third ROWS statement assigns the row label TOTAL to the SUM row.
title 'Year to Date Expenses'; proc computab cwidth=8 cdec=0; columns a b c / 'Division' _name_; columns total / 'All' 'Divisions' +4 f=dollar10.0; rows travel advrtise salary insure / _label_; rows insure / dul; rows sum / 'Total'; a = compdiv = 'A'; b = compdiv = 'B'; c = compdiv = 'C'; colblk: total = a + b + c; rowblk: sum = travel + advrtise + salary + insure; run;
Figure 9.7: Report Produced by PROC COMPUTAB Using Enhancements
Year to Date Expenses |
Division Division Division All A B C Divisions Travel Expenses within U.S. 18700 211000 12800 $242,500 Advertising 18500 176000 34500 $229,000 Permanent Staff Salaries 186000 1270000 201000 $1,657,000 Benefits Including Insurance 3900 11100 17500 $32,500 ======== ======== ======== ========== Total 227100 1668100 265800 $2,161,000 |