This example illustrates how to use SMM to estimate a simple linear regression model for the following process:
In the following SAS statements, is simulated, and the first moment and the second moment of
are compared with those of the observed endogenous variable y.
title "Simple regression model"; data regdata; do i=1 to 500; x = rannor( 1013 ); Y = 2 + 1.5 * x + 1.5 * rannor( 1013 ); output; end; run; proc model data=regdata; parms a b s; instrument x; ysim = (a+b*x) + s * rannor( 8003 ); y = ysim; eq.ysq = y*y - ysim*ysim; fit y ysq / gmm ndraw; bound s > 0; run;
Alternatively, the MOMENT statement can be used to specify the moments using the following syntax:
proc model data=regdata; parms a b s; instrument x; ysim = (a+b*x) + s * rannor( 8003 ); y = ysim; moment y = (2); fit y / gmm ndraw; bound s > 0; run;
The output of the MODEL procedure is shown in Output 19.15.1: