The SPECTRA Procedure

Example 26.2 Cross-Spectral Analysis

This example uses simulated data to show cross-spectral analysis for two variables X and Y. X is generated by an AR(1) process; Y is generated as white noise plus an input from X lagged 2 periods. All output options are specified in the PROC SPECTRA statement. PROC CONTENTS shows the contents of the OUT= data set.

data a;
   xl = 0; xll = 0;
   do i = - 10 to 100;
      x = .4 * xl  + rannor(123);
      y = .5 * xll + rannor(123);
      if i > 0 then output;
      xll = xl; xl = x;
proc spectra data=a out=b cross coef a k p ph s;
   var x y;
   weights 1 1.5 2 4 8 9 8 4 2 1.5 1;

proc contents data=b position;

The PROC CONTENTS report for the output data set B is shown in Output 26.2.1.

Output 26.2.1: Contents of PROC SPECTRA OUT= Data Set

The CONTENTS Procedure

Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes
# Variable Type Len Label
16 A_01_02 Num 8 Amplitude of x by y
3 COS_01 Num 8 Cosine Transform of x
5 COS_02 Num 8 Cosine Transform of y
13 CS_01_02 Num 8 Cospectra of x by y
1 FREQ Num 8 Frequency from 0 to PI
12 IP_01_02 Num 8 Imag Periodogram of x by y
15 K_01_02 Num 8 Coherency**2 of x by y
2 PERIOD Num 8 Period
17 PH_01_02 Num 8 Phase of x by y
7 P_01 Num 8 Periodogram of x
8 P_02 Num 8 Periodogram of y
14 QS_01_02 Num 8 Quadrature of x by y
11 RP_01_02 Num 8 Real Periodogram of x by y
4 SIN_01 Num 8 Sine Transform of x
6 SIN_02 Num 8 Sine Transform of y
9 S_01 Num 8 Spectral Density of x
10 S_02 Num 8 Spectral Density of y

The following statements plot the amplitude of the cross-spectrum estimate against frequency and against period for periods less than 25.

proc sgplot data=b;
   series x=freq y=a_01_02 / markers markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled);
   xaxis values=(0 to 4 by 1);

The plot of the amplitude of the cross-spectrum estimate against frequency is shown in Output 26.2.2.

Output 26.2.2: Plot of Cross-Spectrum Amplitude by Frequency

Plot of Cross-Spectrum Amplitude by Frequency

The plot of the cross-spectrum amplitude against period for periods less than 25 observations is shown in Output 26.2.3.

proc sgplot data=b;
   where period < 25;
   series x=period y=a_01_02 / markers markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled);
   xaxis values=(0 to 30 by 5);

Output 26.2.3: Plot of Cross-Spectrum Amplitude by Period

Plot of Cross-Spectrum Amplitude by Period