specifies the CORRB, COVB, DW, I, OVERID, PLOT, STB, and XPX options for every MODEL statement.
prints first-stage regression statistics for the endogenous variables regressed on the instruments. This output includes sums
of squares, estimates, variances, and standard deviations.
prints parameter estimates, system-weighted residual sum of squares, and
at each iteration for the IT3SLS and ITSUR estimation methods. For the FIML method, the ITPRINT option prints parameter estimates,
negative of log-likelihood function, and norm of gradient vector at each iteration.
suppresses all printed output. Specifying NOPRINT in the PROC SYSLIN statement is equivalent to specifying NOPRINT in every
MODEL statement.
prints the reduced form estimates. If the REDUCED option is specified, you should specify any IDENTITY statements needed to
make the system square. See the section Reduced Form Estimates for details.
prints descriptive statistics for the dependent variables. The statistics printed include the sum, mean, uncorrected sum of
squares, variance, and standard deviation.
prints the uncorrected sum-of-squares-and-crossproducts matrix.
prints the uncorrected sum-of-squares-and-crossproducts matrix for all variables used in the analysis, including predicted
values of variables generated by the procedure.
specifies the denominator to use in calculating cross-equation error covariances and parameter standard errors and covariances.
The default is VARDEF=DF, which corrects for model degrees of freedom. VARDEF=N specifies no degrees-of-freedom correction.
VARDEF=WEIGHT specifies the sum of the observation weights. VARDEF=WGT specifies the sum of the observation weights minus
the model degrees of freedom. See the section Computation of Standard Errors for details.