Finds the text extent rectangle and concatenation point for a specified text string
Operating state: SGOP, WSAC, WSOP


CALL GASK ('TEXEXTENT', x, y,string, x-end, y-end, x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4,

Required Arguments

numeric variable name; x coordinates are in units based on the current window system; returns x coordinate after justification. The variable used to specify x must be initialized.
numeric variable name; y coordinates are in units based on the current window system; returns y coordinate after justification. The variable used to specify y must be initialized.
character string enclosed in single quotation marks or a character variable name; a set of characters for which the text extent rectangle and text concatenation point are calculated.
numeric variable name; returns the x coordinate of the point at which the next text string can be concatenated.
numeric variable name; returns the y coordinate of the point at which the next text string can be concatenated.
x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4
numeric variable names; return the text extent rectangles of the text strings as shown in Text Extent Diagram.
numeric variable name; returns the return code of the routine call, which can be 0 or 8. See Return Codes for DSGI Routines and Functions.


The GASK('TEXEXTENT', . . . ) routine returns the text extent rectangle and text concatenation point for a specified text string. All text extent coordinates returned are in units of the current window system. If no text string is specified for string, GASK('TEXEXTENT', . . . ) does not return values for the other arguments.
The text attributes and bundles affect the values returned by this query. See Text Extent Diagram for a diagram of the text extent rectangle (in the figure, x,y is always the place where the text string starts).
Text Extent Diagram
Text Extent Diagram