Where titles and
footnotes are displayed depends on the device driver that you are
using and on the setting of the ODS statement options GTITLE and GFOOTNOTE.
ACTIVEX, and ACTXIMG device drivers, titles and footnotes are created
by ODS as part of the HTML or RTF file. The GTITLE and GFOOTNOTE options
are ignored for these drivers. (These devices are not supported for
the PRINTER destination.)
For all other devices,
the GTITLE and GFOOTNOTE options determine where the titles and footnotes
are displayed. The default settings, GTITLE and GFOOTNOTE, render
titles and footnotes as part of the graphic image. If you want titles
and footnotes to appear as part of the output file (for example, the
HTML body file) and not as part of the graphical image, you must specify
the NOGTITLE or NOGFOOTNOTE option, as in the following example.
/* direct titles and footnotes to the ODS output file */
ods html body="filename.htm" nogtitle nogfootnote;
Specifying NOGTITLE
or NOGFOOTNOTE can increase the amount of space allowed for the procedure
output area, which can increase the size of the graph, but the aspect
ratio is preserved. Space that would have been used for the title
or footnote is devoted instead to the graph. You might need to be
aware of this possible difference if you are using annotate or map
Note: When you specify NOGTITLE
or NOGFOOTNOTE, the title or footnote text is not part of the GSEG
and cannot be retrieved when the graph is replayed.