GINSIDE Procedure

Example 2: Mapping and Annotating Values from the GINSIDE Procedure


ID statement

Sample library member: GINSIDE
The following example determines which customers are inside Wake County in the state of North Carolina. It then draws a map and colors the dots (representing customers) to distinguish customers inside the county from customers outside the county. This example is featured in the SAS Sample Library under the name GINSIDE.
PROC PRINT Results for Output Data Set shows the results of PROC PRINT. Notice that the last two observations have missing values for COUNTY because they are not in Wake County.
annotated output using results of PROC GINSIDE
PROC PRINT Results for Output Data Set
           x            y  SEGMENT  STATE  COUNTY  DENSITY  city         lastname   zip

   -.001541863  -.001337842     .       37     183      .     Raleigh      Smith     27611
   -.002986279  0.000506524     .       37     183      .     Morrisville  Jones     27560
   -.002444484  0.000149461     .       37     183      .     Cary         Doe       27513
   0.001531260  0.002906157     .       37     183      .     WakeForest   Short     27587
   0.003358788  -.000065627     .       37     183      .     Wendell      Phillips  27591
   0.004053657  0.000860237     .       37     183      .     Zebulon      Jackson   27597
   0.002555932  -.002802348     .        .       .      .     Clayton      Patel     27520
   -.004565994  0.003861846     .        .       .      .     Durham       White     27705


goptions reset=global border;
data customer;
  length city $20;
  input lastname$ zip x y city $;

Smith    27611 1.374164 0.623436 Raleigh
Jones    27560 1.375948 0.625278 Morrisville
Doe      27513 1.375279 0.624922 Cary
Patel    27520 1.369120 0.621970 Clayton
White    27705 1.377910 0.628629 Durham
Short    27587 1.370373 0.627680 WakeForest
Phillips 27591 1.368124 0.624705 Wendell
Jackson  27597 1.367264 0.625629 Zebulon
data states;
  set maps.counties(where=(fipstate(state)="NC" and county=183));
data combined;
  set customer states;
proc gproject data=work.combined out=work.combined dupok;
  id state county;

/*split the data*/
data work.states customer;
  set work.combined;
  if missing(zip) = 1 then output work.states;
  else output customer;
proc ginside map=work.states data=customer out=mapout;
  id state county;
/*see the resulting data*/
proc print;
data points;
   set mapout;
   length function style color $ 8 position $ 1 text $ 20 ;
   retain xsys ysys "2" hsys "3" when "a" text "";
   retain rotate 360 style "solid" function "pie" position "5";
   if missing(county) then color="red";
title "Red dots are outside of Wake County";
proc gmap data=states map=states anno=points;
  id county;
  choro county / coutline=black nolegend;

Program Description

Set the graphics environment.
goptions reset=global border;
Create the customer data.
data customer;
  length city $20;
  input lastname$ zip x y city $;

Smith    27611 1.374164 0.623436 Raleigh
Jones    27560 1.375948 0.625278 Morrisville
Doe      27513 1.375279 0.624922 Cary
Patel    27520 1.369120 0.621970 Clayton
White    27705 1.377910 0.628629 Durham
Short    27587 1.370373 0.627680 WakeForest
Phillips 27591 1.368124 0.624705 Wendell
Jackson  27597 1.367264 0.625629 Zebulon
Create a map data set of Wake County in North Carolina.
data states;
  set maps.counties(where=(fipstate(state)="NC" and county=183));
Combine the CUSTOMER and STATES data sets.
data combined;
  set customer states;
Project the map and points data sets to use the same projection.
proc gproject data=work.combined out=work.combined dupok;
  id state county;

/*split the data*/
data work.states customer;
  set work.combined;
  if missing(zip) = 1 then output work.states;
  else output customer;
Determine which customer points fall inside or outside which county.
proc ginside map=work.states data=customer out=mapout;
  id state county;
/*see the resulting data*/
proc print;
Create an annotate data set from the points data and color the points black if inside the map, and color them red if outside.
data points;
   set mapout;
   length function style color $ 8 position $ 1 text $ 20 ;
   retain xsys ysys "2" hsys "3" when "a" text "";
   retain rotate 360 style "solid" function "pie" position "5";
   if missing(county) then color="red";
title "Red dots are outside of Wake County";
Use the GMAP procedure to display the map. The ANNO= option specifies the annotate data set.
proc gmap data=states map=states anno=points;
  id county;
  choro county / coutline=black nolegend;