With column input, the
column numbers that contain the value follow a variable name in the
INPUT statement. To read with column input, data values must be in
the same columns in all the input
data records
standard numeric form or character
Useful features of column
input are that
Character values can contain embedded
Character values can be from 1
to 32,767 characters long.
Input values can be read in any
order, regardless of their position in the record.
Values or parts of values can be
read multiple times. For example, this INPUT statement reads an ID
value in columns 10 through 15 and then reads a GROUP value from column
input id 10-15 group 13;
Both leading and trailing blanks
within the field are ignored. Therefore, if numeric values contain
blanks that represent zeros or if you want to retain leading and trailing
blanks in character values, read the value with an informat. See
INPUT Statement, Formatted.