%SYSRC Autocall Macro

Returns a value corresponding to an error condition.
Type: Autocall macro
Requirement: MAUTOSOURCE system option



Required Argument

is one of the mnemonic values listed in Mnemonics for Warning and Error Conditions or a text expression that produces the mnemonic value.


Note: Autocall macros are included in a library supplied by SAS. This library might not be installed at your site or might be a site-specific version. If you cannot access this macro or if you want to find out if it is a site-specific version, see your on-site SAS support personnel. For more information, see Storing and Reusing Macros.
The SYSRC macro enables you to test for return codes produced by SCL functions, the MODIFY statement, and the SET statement with the KEY= option. The SYSRC autocall macro tests for the error conditions by using mnemonic strings rather than the numeric values associated with the error conditions.
When you invoke the SYSRC macro with a mnemonic string, the macro generates a SAS return code. The mnemonics are easier to read than the numeric values, which are not intuitive and subject to change.
You can test for specific errors in SCL functions by comparing the value returned by the function with the value returned by the SYSRC macro with the corresponding mnemonic. To test for errors in the most recent MODIFY or SET statement with the KEY= option, compare the value of the _IORC_ automatic variable with the value returned by the SYSRC macro when you invoke it with the value of the appropriate mnemonic.
The following table lists the mnemonic values to specify with the SYSRC function and a description of the corresponding error.
Mnemonics for Warning and Error Conditions
Library Assign or Deassign Messages
The libref refers to the same physical library as another libref.
The specified libref is not assigned.
The library or member is not available for use.
The library is not in a valid format for the access method.
The libref is not valid.
The action requested cannot be performed because you do not have the required access level on the library.
The library is still in use.
The specified libref is not assigned.
The libref is not assigned.
The libref is not available for use.
The library is in sequential (tape) format.
The libref refers to the same physical file as another libref.
The library does not exist.
Fileref Messages
The fileref is assigned to an invalid file.
The fileref is not assigned.
SAS Data Set Messages
The TRANSACTION data set observation does not exist in the MASTER data set.
Multiple TRANSACTION data set observations do not exist in MASTER data set.
No matching observation was found in MASTER data set.
The data set has passwords.
The index name is not a valid SAS name.
The data set is not open in the correct mode for the specified operation.
The data length is invalid.
The new name conflicts with an index name.
The open mode is invalid.
The physical name is invalid.
You do not have the level of access required to open the data set in the requested mode.
A record-level lock is not available.
Member-level access to the data set is denied.
The file is not a SAS data set.
The new name conflicts with an existing variable name.
You tried to read the previous observation when you were on the first observation.
The record no longer satisfies the WHERE clause.
The task requires reading observations in a random order, but the engine that you are using allows only sequential access.
The WHERE clause has been augmented.
The WHERE clause has been cleared.
The WHERE clause has been replaced.
SAS File Open and Update Messages
The filename is not a valid SAS name.
The record has been deleted from the file.
The file is currently open.
The option name is invalid.
The option value is invalid.
The value of the File Data Buffer pointer is invalid.
The file is locked by another user.
You do not have the level of access required to open the file in the requested mode.
_ALL_ is not allowed as part of a filename in this release.
The record was not changed because it would cause a duplicate value for an index that does not allow duplicates.
Records cannot be deleted from this file.
The file could not be deleted.
The file is not open for writing.
You are not authorized for the requested open mode.
The file or directory is not open.
The physical file does not exist.
The file is not opened for reading.
The file is not radix addressable.
No record has been read from the file yet.
The file cannot be opened for update because the engine is read only.
You do not have write access to the member.
The file or directory is in exclusive use by another user.
No records have been read from the input file.
Access to the directory will be provided one member at a time.
The record has been deleted from file.
End of file.
The file does not exist.
The file or directory does not exist.
The file was not replaced because of the NOREPLACE option.
The item pointed to exists but is not a file.
This record cannot be updated at this time.
Library/Member/Entry Messages
The member type specification is invalid.
The member was not deleted.
The library or library member is locked by another user.
The member name is too long for this system.
The library or library member is not currently locked.
The member does not exist.
You have locked a library, member, or entry, that does not exist yet.
The library or library member is locked by another user.
You have already locked the library or library member.
The library or library member is not currently locked.
Miscellaneous Operations
The device is offline or unavailable.
The disk or tape is full.
The device type is invalid.
There is no write ring in the tape opened for write access.
The function was successful.
The carriage-control character is invalid.
The device is not a disk.
Pause in I/O, process accumulated data up to this point.
Pause in I/O, slide data window forward and process accumulated data up to this point.
Pause in I/O, extra user control point 1.
Pause in I/O, extra user control point 2.


The SYSRC autocall macro and the SYSRC automatic macro variable are not the same. For more information, see SYSRC Automatic Macro Variable.

Example: Examining the Value of _IORC_

The following DATA step illustrates using the autocall macro SYSRC and the automatic variable _IORC_ to control writing a message to the SAS log:
data big;
   modify big trans;
   by id;
   if _iorc_=%sysrc(_dsenmr) then put 'WARNING: Check ID=' id;