DATASETS Procedure

FORMAT Statement

Assigns, changes, and removes variable formats in the SAS data set specified in the MODIFY statement permanently.
Restriction: Must appear in a MODIFY RUN group
Modifying SAS Data Sets


Required Argument

variable-1 <...variable-n>
specifies one or more variables whose format you want to assign, change, or remove. If you want to disassociate a format with a variable, list the variable last in the list with no format following:
   format x1-x3 4.1 time hhmm2.2 age;

Optional Argument

specifies a format to apply to the variable or variables listed before it. If you do not specify a format, the FORMAT statement removes any format associated with the variables in variable-list.
Tip:To remove all formats from a data set, use the ATTRIB Statement and the _ALL_ keyword.