Features: |
proc fcmp outlib=sasuser.funcs.curves; function oscillate(x,amplitude,frequency); if amplitude le 0 then amp=1; else amp=amplitude; if frequency le 0 then freq=1; else freq=frequency; y=sin(freq*x)*constant("e")**(-amp*x); return (y); endsub;
function oscillateBound(x,amplitude); if amplitude le 0 then amp=1; else amp=amplitude; y=constant("e")**(-amp*x); return (y); endsub; run;
options cmplib=sasuser.funcs; data range; do Time=0 to 2 by .01; output; end; run;
proc template ; define statgraph damping; dynamic X AMP FREQ; begingraph; entrytitle "Damped Harmonic Oscillation"; layout overlay / yaxisopts=(label="Displacement"); if (exists(X) and exists(AMP) and exists(FREQ)) bandplot x=X limitlower=eval(-oscillateBound(X,AMP)) limitupper=eval(oscillateBound(X,AMP)); seriesplot x=X y=eval(oscillate(X,AMP,FREQ)); endif; endlayout; endgraph; end; run;
proc sgrender data=range template=damping; dynamic x="Time" amp=10 freq=50 ; run;
proc fcmp outlib=sasuser.funcs.curves; function oscillate(x,amplitude,frequency); if amplitude le 0 then amp=1; else amp=amplitude; if frequency le 0 then freq=1; else freq=frequency; y=sin(freq*x)*constant("e")**(-amp*x); return (y); endsub;
function oscillateBound(x,amplitude); if amplitude le 0 then amp=1; else amp=amplitude; y=constant("e")**(-amp*x); return (y); endsub; run;
proc template ; define statgraph damping; dynamic X AMP FREQ; begingraph; entrytitle "Damped Harmonic Oscillation"; layout overlay / yaxisopts=(label="Displacement"); if (exists(X) and exists(AMP) and exists(FREQ)) bandplot x=X limitlower=eval(-oscillateBound(X,AMP)) limitupper=eval(oscillateBound(X,AMP)); seriesplot x=X y=eval(oscillate(X,AMP,FREQ)); endif; endlayout; endgraph; end; run;