The following tables list all options by function. The section Dictionary of Options describes each option in detail.
You can use the options listed in Table 5.9 to superimpose a fitted theoretical distribution function on your cdf plot.
Table 5.9: Options for Specifying a Theoretical Distribution
Option |
Description |
plots beta distribution with threshold parameter |
plots exponential distribution with threshold parameter |
plots gamma distribution with threshold parameter |
plots Gumbel distribution with location parameter |
plots inverse Gaussian distribution with mean |
plots lognormal distribution with threshold parameter |
plots normal distribution with mean |
plots generalized Pareto distribution with threshold parameter |
plots power function distribution with threshold parameter |
plots Rayleigh distribution with threshold parameter |
plots Weibull distribution function with threshold parameter |
Table 5.10 summarizes options that specify distribution parameters and control the display of the theoretical distribution curve. You can specify these options in parentheses after the distribution option. For example, the following statements use the NORMAL option to superimpose a normal distribution:
proc capability; cdfplot / normal(mu=10 sigma=0.5 color=red); run;
The COLOR= option specifies the color for the curve, and the normal-options MU= and SIGMA= specify the parameters and
for the distribution function. If you do not specify these parameters, maximum likelihood estimates are computed.
Table 5.10: Distribution Options
Option |
Description |
Options Used with All Distributions |
specifies color of theoretical distribution function |
specifies line type of theoretical distribution function |
specifies character used to plot theoretical distribution function on line printer plots |
specifies width of theoretical distribution function |
Beta-Options |
specifies first shape parameter |
specifies second shape parameter |
specifies scale parameter |
specifies lower threshold parameter |
Exponential-Options |
specifies scale parameter |
specifies threshold parameter |
Gamma-Options |
specifies shape parameter |
specifies change in successive estimates of |
specifies initial value for |
specifies maximum number of iterations in the Newton-Raphson approximation of |
specifies scale parameter |
specifies threshold parameter |
Gumbel-Options |
specifies location parameter |
specifies scale parameter |
IGauss-Options |
specifies shape parameter |
specifies mean |
Lognormal-Options |
specifies shape parameter |
specifies threshold parameter |
specifies scale parameter |
Normal-Options |
specifies mean |
specifies standard deviation |
Pareto-Options |
specifies shape parameter |
specifies scale parameter |
specifies threshold parameter |
Power-Options |
specifies shape parameter |
specifies scale parameter |
specifies threshold parameter |
Rayleigh-Options |
specifies scale parameter |
specifies threshold parameter |
Weibull-Options |
specifies shape parameter c for Weibull distribution function |
specifies change in successive estimates of c at which the Newton-Raphson approximation of |
specifies initial value for c in the Newton-Raphson approximation of |
specifies maximum number of iterations in the Newton-Raphson approximation of |
specifies scale parameter |
specifies threshold parameter |
Table 5.11: General CDFPLOT Statement Options
Option |
Description |
General Plot Layout Options |
specifies table of contents entry for cdf plot grouping |
specifies reference lines perpendicular to the horizontal axis |
specifies labels for HREF= lines |
suppresses legend for superimposed theoretical cdf |
suppresses plot of empirical (observed) distribution function |
suppresses frame around plotting area |
suppresses legend |
suppresses specifications legend |
specifies reference lines perpendicular to the vertical axis |
specifies labels for VREF= lines |
specifies scale for vertical axis |
Graphics Options |
specifies annotate data set |
specifies color for axis |
specifies color for frame |
specifies colors for HREF= lines |
specifies colors for STATREF= lines |
specifies color for text |
specifies colors for VREF= lines |
specifies description for graphics catalog member |
specifies text font |
specifies AXIS statement for horizontal axis |
specifies height of text used outside framed areas |
specifies number of horizontal axis minor tick marks |
specifies position for HREF= line labels |
specifies software font for text inside framed areas |
specifies height of text inside framed areas |
specifies line styles for HREF= lines |
specifies line styles for STATREF= lines |
specifies line styles for VREF= lines |
specifies name for plot in graphics catalog |
suppresses label for horizontal axis |
suppresses label for vertical axis |
suppresses tick marks and tick mark labels for vertical axis |
specifies reference lines at values of summary statistics |
specifies labels for STATREF= lines |
specifies substitution character for displaying statistic values in STATREFLABELS= labels |
turns and vertically strings out characters in labels for vertical axis |
specifies AXIS statement for vertical axis |
specifies label for vertical axis |
specifies number of vertical axis minor tick marks |
specifies position for VREF= line labels |
specifies line thickness for axes and frame |
Options for ODS Graphics Output |
specifies footnote displayed on cdf plot |
specifies secondary footnote displayed on cdf plot |
specifies title displayed on cdf plot |
specifies secondary title displayed on cdf plot |
Options for Comparative Plots |
applies annotation requested in ANNOTATE= data set to key cell only |
specifies color for filling row label frames |
specifies color for filling column label frames |
specifies color for proportion of frequency bar |
specifies color for row labels |
specifies color for column labels |
specifies distance between tiles in comparative plot |
specifies number of columns in comparative plot |
specifies number of rows in comparative plot |
overlays plots for different class levels (ODS Graphics only) |
Options for Line Printer Charts |
specifies character for plotted points |
specifies line character for HREF= lines |
specifies line character for VREF= lines |