See FNORM2 in the SAS/QC Sample LibraryThis example shows how to display a fitted curve that is not supported by the HISTOGRAM statement.
The offset of an attachment point is measured (in mm) for a number of manufactured assemblies, and the measurements are saved
in a data set named Assembly
data Assembly; label Offset = 'Offset (in mm)'; input Offset @@; datalines; 11.11 13.07 11.42 3.92 11.08 5.40 11.22 14.69 6.27 9.76 9.18 5.07 3.51 16.65 14.10 9.69 16.61 5.67 2.89 8.13 9.97 3.28 13.03 13.78 3.13 9.53 4.58 7.94 13.51 11.43 11.98 3.90 7.67 4.32 12.69 6.17 11.48 2.82 20.42 1.01 3.18 6.02 6.63 1.72 2.42 11.32 16.49 1.22 9.13 3.34 1.29 1.70 0.65 2.62 2.04 11.08 18.85 11.94 8.34 2.07 0.31 8.91 13.62 14.94 4.83 16.84 7.09 3.37 0.49 15.19 5.16 4.14 1.92 12.70 1.97 2.10 9.38 3.18 4.18 7.22 15.84 10.85 2.35 1.93 9.19 1.39 11.40 12.20 16.07 9.23 0.05 2.15 1.95 4.39 0.48 10.16 4.81 8.28 5.68 22.81 0.23 0.38 12.71 0.06 10.11 18.38 5.53 9.36 9.32 3.63 12.93 10.39 2.05 15.49 8.12 9.52 7.77 10.70 6.37 1.91 8.60 22.22 1.74 5.84 12.90 13.06 5.08 2.09 6.41 1.40 15.60 2.36 3.97 6.17 0.62 8.56 9.36 10.19 7.16 2.37 12.91 0.95 0.89 3.82 7.86 5.33 12.92 2.64 7.92 14.06 ;
The assembly process is in statistical control, and it is decided to fit a folded normal distribution to the offset measurements. A variable X has a folded normal distribution if , where Y is distributed as
. The fitted density is
![]() |
You can use SAS/IML software to compute preliminary estimates of and
based on a method of moments given by Elandt (1961). These estimates are computed by solving equation (19) of Elandt (1961), which is given by
![]() |
where is the standard normal distribution function, and
![]() |
Then the estimates of and
are given by
![]() |
Begin by using the MEANS procedure to compute the first and second moments and using the DATA step to compute the constant A.
proc means data = Assembly noprint; var Offset; output out=Stat mean=m1 var=var n=n min = min; run; * Compute constant A from equation (19) of Elandt (1961) ; data Stat; keep m2 a min; set Stat; a = (m1*m1); m2 = ((n-1)/n)*var + a; a = a/m2; run;
Next, use the SAS/IML subroutine NLPDD to solve equation (19) by minimizing , and compute
proc iml; use Stat; read all var {m2} into m2; read all var {a} into a; read all var {min} into min; * f(t) is the function in equation (19) of Elandt (1961) ; start f(t) global(a); y = .39894*exp(-0.5*t*t); y = (2*y-(t*(1-2*probnorm(t))))**2/(1+t*t); y = (y-a)**2; return(y); finish; * Minimize (f(t)-A)**2 and estimate mu and sigma ; if ( min < 0 ) then do; print "Warning: Observations are not all nonnegative."; print " The folded normal is inappropriate."; stop; end; if ( a < 0.637 ) then do; print "Warning: the folded normal may be inappropriate"; end; opt = { 0 0 }; con = { 1e-6 }; x0 = { 2.0 }; tc = { . . . . . 1e-12 . . . . . . .}; call nlpdd(rc,etheta0,"f",x0,opt,con,tc); esig0 = sqrt(m2/(1+etheta0*etheta0)); emu0 = etheta0*esig0; create Prelim var {emu0 esig0 etheta0}; append; close Prelim; * Define the log likelihood of the folded normal ; start g(p) global(x); y = 0.0; do i = 1 to nrow(x); z = exp( (-0.5/p[2])*(x[i]-p[1])*(x[i]-p[1]) ); z = z + exp( (-0.5/p[2])*(x[i]+p[1])*(x[i]+p[1]) ); y = y + log(z); end; y = y - nrow(x)*log( sqrt( p[2] ) ); return(y); finish; * Maximize the log likelihood with subroutine NLPDD ; use Assembly; read all var {Offset} into x; esig0sq = esig0*esig0; x0 = emu0||esig0sq; opt = { 1 0 }; con = { . 0.0, . . }; call nlpdd(rc,xr,"g",x0,opt,con); emu = xr[1]; esig = sqrt(xr[2]); etheta = emu/esig; create Parmest var{emu esig etheta}; append; close Parmest; quit;
title 'The Data Set Prelim'; proc print data=Prelim noobs; run;
The preliminary estimates are saved in the data set Prelim
, as shown in Output 5.14.1.
Output 5.14.1: Preliminary Estimates of ,
, and
The Data Set Prelim |
6.51735 | 6.54953 | 0.99509 |
Now, using and
as initial estimates, call the NLPDD subroutine to maximize the log likelihood,
, of the folded normal distribution, where, up to a constant,
![]() |
* Define the log likelihood of the folded normal ; start g(p) global(x); y = 0.0; do i = 1 to nrow(x); z = exp( (-0.5/p[2])*(x[i]-p[1])*(x[i]-p[1]) ); z = z + exp( (-0.5/p[2])*(x[i]+p[1])*(x[i]+p[1]) ); y = y + log(z); end; y = y - nrow(x)*log( sqrt( p[2] ) ); return(y); finish; * Maximize the log likelihood with subroutine NLPDD ; use assembly; read all var {offset} into x; esig0sq = esig0*esig0; x0 = emu0||esig0sq; opt = { 1 0 }; con = { . 0.0, . . }; call nlpdd(rc,xr,"g",x0,opt,con); emu = xr[1]; esig = sqrt(xr[2]); etheta = emu/esig; create parmest var{emu esig etheta}; append; close parmest; quit;
title 'The Data Set PARMEST'; proc print data=Parmest noobs; var emu esig etheta; run;
The data set Parmest
saves the maximum likelihood estimates and
(as well as
), as shown in Output 5.14.2.
Output 5.14.2: Final Estimates of ,
, and
The Data Set PARMEST |
6.66761 | 6.39650 | 1.04239 |
To annotate the curve on a histogram, begin by computing the width and endpoints of the histogram intervals. The following statements save these values in an OUTFIT= data set called OUT. Note that a plot is not produced at this point.
ods graphics off; proc capability data = Assembly noprint; histogram Offset / outfit = Out normal(noprint) noplot; run;
title 'OUTFIT= Data Set Out'; proc print data=Out noobs round; var _var_ _curve_ _locatn_ _scale_ _chisq_ _df_ _pchisq_ _midpt1_ _width_ _midptn_ _expect_ _eststd_ _adasq_ _adp_ _cvmwsq_ _cvmp_ _ksd_ _ksp_; run;
Output 5.14.3 provides a partial listing of the data set Out
. The width and endpoints of the histogram bars are saved as values of the variables _WIDTH_
, _MIDPT1_
, and _MIDPTN_
. See Output Data Sets.
Output 5.14.3: The OUTFIT= Data Set Out
OUTFIT= Data Set Out |
_VAR_ | _CURVE_ | _LOCATN_ | _SCALE_ | _CHISQ_ | _DF_ | _PCHISQ_ | _MIDPT1_ | _WIDTH_ | _MIDPTN_ | _EXPECT_ | _ESTSTD_ | _ADASQ_ | _ADP_ | _CVMWSQ_ | _CVMP_ | _KSD_ | _KSP_ |
Offset | NORMAL | 7.62 | 5.24 | 31.17 | 5 | 0 | 1.5 | 3 | 22.5 | 7.62 | 5.24 | 1.9 | 0.01 | 0.28 | 0.01 | 0.09 | 0.01 |
The following statements create an annotate data set named Anno
, which contains the coordinates of the fitted curve:
data Anno; merge Parmest Out; length function color $ 8; function = 'point'; color = 'black'; size = 2; xsys = '2'; ysys = '2'; when = 'a'; constant = 39.894*_width_;; left = _midpt1_ - .5*_width_; right = _midptn_ + .5*_width_; inc = (right-left)/100; do x = left to right by inc; z1 = (x-emu)/esig; z2 = (x+emu)/esig; y = (constant/esig)*(exp(-0.5*z1*z1)+exp(-0.5*z2*z2)); output; function = 'draw'; end; run;
The following statements read the ANNOTATE= data set and display the histogram and fitted curve, as shown in Output 5.14.4:
ods graphics off; title "Folded Normal Distribution"; proc capability data=Assembly noprint; spec usl=27 cusl=black lusl=2 wusl=2; histogram Offset / annotate = Anno; run;
Output 5.14.4: Histogram with Annotated Folded Normal Curve