The following tables list the COMPHIST statement options by function. For complete descriptions, see Dictionary of Options.
Table 5.13 lists the options for requesting that a fitted normal distribution or a kernel density estimate be overlaid on the comparative histogram.
Table 5.13: Density Estimation Options
Option |
Description |
fits kernel density estimates |
fits normal distribution with mean |
You can specify the secondary options listed in Table 5.14 in parentheses after the KERNEL option to control features of kernel density estimates.
Table 5.14: Kernel-Options
Option |
Description |
specifies standardized bandwidth parameter c for kernel density estimate |
specifies color of the kernel density curve |
fills area under kernel density curve |
specifies NORMAL, TRIANGULAR, or QUADRATIC kernel |
specifies line type used for kernel density curve |
specifies lower bound for kernel density curve |
specifies upper bound for kernel density curve |
specifies line width for kernel density curve |
You can specify the secondary options listed in Table 5.15 in parentheses after the NORMAL option to control features of fitted normal distributions.
For example, the following statements use the NORMAL option to fit a normal curve in each cell of the comparative histogram:
proc capability; comphistogram / class = machine normal(color=red l=2); run;
The COLOR= normal-option draws the curve in red, and the L= normal-option specifies a line style of 2 (a dashed line) for the curve. In this example, maximum likelihood estimates are computed for
the normal parameters and
for each cell because these parameters are not specified.
Table 5.16: General COMPHISTOGRAM Statement Options
Option |
Description |
Classification Options |
specifies classification variables |
specifies key cell |
requests that missing values of first CLASS= variable be treated as a level of that CLASS= variable |
requests that missing values of second CLASS= variable be treated as a level of that CLASS= variable |
specifies display order for values of the first CLASS= variable |
specifies display order for values of the second CLASS= variable |
Layout Options |
produces labels above histogram bars |
specifies width for the bars |
clips histogram bars at specification limits if there are no observations beyond the limits |
labels interval endpoints and specifies how they are determined |
specifies offset for horizontal axis |
specifies distance between tiles |
specifies maximum number of bins displayed |
limits number of bins displayed to range of value standard deviations above and below mean of data in key cell |
specifies how midpoints are determined |
specifies number of columns in comparative histogram |
suppresses histogram bars |
suppresses frame around plotting area |
suppresses rearrangement of cells that occurs by default with the CLASSKEY= option |
suppresses plot |
specifies number of rows in comparative histogram |
includes right endpoint in interval |
specifies line thickness for bar outlines |
Axis and Legend Options |
adds grid corresponding to vertical axis |
specifies line style for grid requested with GRID option |
specifies form of the legend displayed inside tiles |
specifies position of legend displayed inside tiles |
suppresses label for horizontal axis |
suppresses label for vertical axis |
suppresses tick marks and tick mark labels for vertical axis |
specifies label displayed when |
turns and strings out vertically characters in vertical axis labels |
specifies tick mark values for vertical axis |
specifies label for vertical axis |
specifies length of offset at upper end of vertical axis |
specifies scale for vertical axis |
specifies line thickness for axes and frame |
specifies line thickness for grid |
Reference Line Options |
draws reference lines in front of histogram bars |
specifies reference lines perpendicular to horizontal axis |
specifies labels for HREF= lines |
specifies vertical position of labels for HREF= lines |
specifies line style for HREF= lines |
specifies line style for VREF= lines |
specifies reference lines perpendicular to vertical axis |
specifies labels for VREF= lines |
specifies horizontal position of labels for VREF= lines |
Text Enhancement Options |
specifies software font for text |
specifies height of text used outside framed areas |
specifies software font for text inside framed areas |
specifies height of text inside framed areas |
Color and Pattern Options |
specifies color for axis |
specifies color for outline of the bars |
specifies color for filling bars |
specifies color for frame |
specifies the color for the frame requested by the NLEGEND option |
specifies color for filling frame for row labels |
specifies color for filling frame for column labels |
specifies color for grid lines |
specifies color for HREF= lines |
specifies color for proportion of frequency bar |
specifies color for text |
specifies color for row labels |
specifies color for column labels |
specifies color for VREF= lines |
specifies pattern used to fill bars |
Input and Output Data Set Options |
applies annotation requested in ANNOTATE= data set to key cell only |
annotate data set |
data set with specification limit information for each cell |
information on histogram intervals |
Graphics Catalog Options |
specifies description for graphics catalog member |
specifies name for plot in graphics catalog |