Measurement Systems Analysis
The %msagrr macro performs a gauge R&R analysis based on the methods described in ASQC Automotive Division/AIAG (2010). It produces average and range charts and a table of estimates of the following sources of variation:
- EV
equipment variation, also called test-retest variation. This is a measure of repeatability.
- AV
appraiser variation. This is variation due to differences among operators and is a measure of reproducibility.
- IV
interaction between operators and parts.
- PV
part variation. This is the variation in the manufacturing process that the measurement system is intended to measure.
The table contains estimates that are produced by the average and range method and by the variance components method.
Wheeler (2006) describes problems with the AIAG Gauge R&R Study, and recommends better approaches that are supported by the %basicemp, %hongrr, and %shortemp macros.
The parameters for this macro are as follows:
is the name of the data set that contains the measurement data. The default is the most recently created SAS data set.
specifies the number of measurements that were taken to make one reported value. By default,
specifies the variable in the input data set that identifies the subgroups of measurements. By default, variable is Sample
specifies the variable in the input data set that identifies a condition that potentially affects measurement variation. By
default, variable is Condition
specifies the variable in the input data set that contains the reported values. By default, variable is Value
specifies the multiple of
to be used to compute the limits on the average and range charts. By default,
. Other commonly-used values are 4 and 6.
determines whether mean and range charts are produced. By default, CHARTS=YES.
determines whether variance components are estimated by using the VARCOMP procedure. By default, VARCOMP=YES
determines whether mean and range charts are produced. By default, DISCRETE=YES
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