PCHART Statement: ANOM Procedure

Example 4.2 ANOM p Charts with Angled Axis Labels

Note: See ANOM p Charts with Angled Axis Labels in the SAS/QC Sample Library.

Consider the example described in the section Creating ANOM Charts for Proportions from Group Counts. In the example, the option TURNHLABELS was used to vertically display the horizontal axis labels. You can also use an AXIS statement to create an angled display of the horizontal or vertical axis labels. The following statements create the p CHART shown in Output 4.2.1:

ods graphics off;
title 'Analysis of C-Sections';
proc anom data=Csection;
   pchart Csections*ID / groupn   = Total
                         haxis    = axis1;
   axis1 value     = (a=-45 h=2.0pct);
   label Csections = 'Proportion of Cesarean Sections';

The angle is specified with the a= option in the AXIS1 statement. Valid angle values are between -90 and 90. The height of the labels is specified with the h= option in the AXIS1 statement. See Axis and Axis Label Options .

Output 4.2.1: ANOM p Chart for C-Sections with Angled Axis Labels

ANOM Chart for C-Sections with Angled Axis Labels