You can use the PPPLOT statement to request P-P plots based on the theoretical distributions summarized in the following table:
Table 5.56: Distributions and Parameters
Parameters |
Family |
Distribution Function |
Range |
Location |
Scale |
Shape |
Beta |
Exponential |
Gamma |
Gumbel |
all x |
Inverse Gaussian |
x > 0 |
Lognormal |
Normal |
all x |
Generalized Pareto |
all x |
Power Function |
Rayleigh |
Weibull |
c |
You can request these distributions with the BETA , EXPONENTIAL , GAMMA , GUMBEL , IGAUSS , NORMAL , LOGNORMAL , PARETO , POWER , RAYLEIGH , and WEIBULL options, respectively. If you do not specify a distribution option, a normal P-P plot is created.
To create a P-P plot, you must provide all of the parameters for the theoretical distribution. If you do not specify parameters, then default values or estimates are substituted, as summarized by the following table:
Table 5.57: Defaults for Parameters
Family |
Default Values |
Estimated Values |
Beta |
maximum likelihood estimates for |
Exponential |
maximum likelihood estimate for |
Gamma |
maximum likelihood estimates for |
Gumbel |
None |
maximum likelihood estimates for |
Inverse Gaussian |
None |
sample estimate for |
Lognormal |
maximum likelihood estimates for |
Normal |
None |
sample estimates for |
Generalized Pareto |
maximum likelihood estimates for |
Power Function |
maximum likelihood estimate for |
Rayleigh |
maximum likelihood estimate for |
Weibull |
maximum likelihood estimates for |