Note: See Mean (X-BAR) Chart Examples in the SAS/QC Sample Library.
In the previous example, the OUTLIMITS= data set Gaplim
saved control limits computed from the measurements in Partgaps
. This example shows how these limits can be applied to new data provided in the following data set:
data Gaps2; input Sample @; do i=1 to 5; input Partgap @; output; end; drop i; datalines; 22 287 265 248 263 271 23 267 253 285 251 271 24 249 252 277 269 241 25 243 248 263 282 261 26 287 266 256 278 242 27 251 262 243 274 245 28 256 245 244 243 272 29 262 247 252 277 266 30 244 269 263 278 261 31 245 264 246 242 273 32 272 257 277 265 241 33 251 249 240 260 261 34 289 277 275 273 261 35 267 286 275 261 272 36 266 256 247 255 241 37 291 267 267 252 262 38 258 245 264 245 281 39 277 267 241 272 244 40 252 267 272 245 252 41 243 241 245 263 248 ;
The following statements create an chart for the data in GAPS2 using the control limits in
ods graphics on; title 'Mean Chart for Gap Widths'; proc shewhart data=Gaps2 limits=Gaplim; xchart Partgap*Sample / odstitle=title; run;
The ODS GRAPHICS ON statement specified before the PROC SHEWHART statement enables ODS Graphics, so the chart is created using ODS Graphics instead of traditional graphics. The chart is shown in FigureĀ 17.104.
The LIMITS= option in the PROC SHEWHART statement specifies the data set containing the control limits. By default, this information is read from the first observation in the LIMITS= data set for which
the value of _VAR_
matches the process name Partgap
the value of _SUBGRP_
matches the subgroup-variable name Sample
The chart indicates that the process is in control, since all the means lie within the control limits.
In this example, the LIMITS= data set was created in a previous run of the SHEWHART procedure. You can also create a LIMITS= data set with the DATA step. See LIMITS= Data Set for details concerning the variables that you must provide.