Note: See Mean and Range (X-Bar and R) Charts in the SAS/QC Sample Library.
In a previous example, the OUTLIMITS= data set saved control limits computed from the measurements in Wafers
. This example shows how these limits can be applied to new data provided in the following data set:
data Wafers2; input Batch @; do i=1 to 5; input Diameter @; output; end; drop i; datalines; 26 34.99 34.99 35.00 34.99 35.00 27 34.99 35.01 34.98 34.98 34.97 28 35.00 34.99 34.99 34.99 35.01 29 34.98 34.96 34.98 34.98 34.99 30 34.98 35.00 34.98 34.98 34.99 31 35.00 35.00 34.99 35.01 35.01 32 35.00 34.99 34.98 34.98 35.00 33 34.98 35.00 34.99 35.00 35.01 34 35.00 34.97 35.00 34.99 35.01 35 34.99 34.99 34.98 34.99 34.98 36 35.01 34.98 34.99 34.99 35.00 37 35.01 34.99 34.97 34.98 35.00 38 34.98 34.99 35.00 34.98 35.00 39 34.99 34.99 34.99 34.99 35.01 40 34.99 35.01 35.00 35.01 34.99 41 34.99 35.00 34.99 34.98 34.99 42 35.00 34.99 34.98 34.99 35.00 43 34.99 34.98 34.98 34.99 34.99 44 35.00 35.00 34.98 35.00 34.99 45 34.99 34.99 35.00 34.99 34.99 ;
The following statements use the control limits in Waferlim
to create and R charts for the data in
ods graphics on; proc shewhart data=Wafers2 limits=Waferlim; xrchart Diameter*Batch; run;
The ODS GRAPHICS ON statement specifies that the and R charts are produced using ODS Graphics. The LIMITS= option in the PROC SHEWHART statement specifies the data set containing
the control limits. By default, this information is read from the first observation in the LIMITS= data set for which
the value of _VAR_
matches the process name Diameter
the value of _SUBGRP_
matches the subgroup-variable name Batch
The charts are shown in FigureĀ 17.113.
Note that the mean diameter of the 29th batch lies below the lower control limit in the chart, signaling a special cause of variation.
In this example, the LIMITS= data set was created in a previous run of the SHEWHART procedure. You can also create a LIMITS= data set with the DATA step. See LIMITS= Data Set for details concerning the variables that you must provide.