Expanding Hierarchical Data in a Table


You want to generate an output column that shows a hierarchical relationship among rows in a table.

Background Information

There is one input table, called EMPLOYEES, that contains the following data:
data Employees;
   input ID $ LastName $ FirstName $ Supervisor $;
1001 Smith John 1002
1002 Johnson Mary None
1003 Reed Sam None
1004 Davis Karen 1003
1005 Thompson Jennifer 1002
1006 Peterson George 1002
1007 Jones Sue 1003
1008 Murphy Janice 1003
1009 Garcia Joe 1002
proc print data=Employees;
  title 'Sample Data for Expanding a Hierarchy';
Sample Input Table for Expanding a Hierarchy
Sample Data for Expanding a Hierarchy
You want to create output that shows the full name and ID number of each employee who has a supervisor, along with the full name and ID number of that employee's supervisor.


Use the following PROC SQL code to expand the data:
proc sql;
   title 'Expanded Employee and Supervisor Data';
   select A.ID label="Employee ID",
          trim(A.FirstName)||' '||A.LastName label="Employee Name",
          B.ID label="Supervisor ID",
          trim(B.FirstName)||' '||B.LastName label="Supervisor Name"
      from Employees A, Employees B
      where A.Supervisor=B.ID and A.Supervisor is not missing;
PROC SQL Output for Expanding a Hierarchy
Expanded Employee and Supervisor Data

How It Works

This solution uses a self-join (reflexive join) to match employees and their supervisors. The SELECT clause assigns aliases of A and B to two instances of the same table and retrieves data from each instance. From instance A, the SELECT clause performs the following:
  • selects the ID column and assigns it a label of Employee ID
  • selects and concatenates the FirstName and LastName columns into one output column and assigns it a label of Employee Name
From instance B, the SELECT clause performs the following:
  • selects the ID column and assigns it a label of Supervisor ID
  • selects and concatenates the FirstName and LastName columns into one output column and assigns it a label of Supervisor Name
In both concatenations, the SELECT clause uses the TRIM function to remove trailing spaces from the data in the FirstName column, and then concatenates the data with a single space and the data in the LastName column to produce a single character value for each full name.
trim(A.FirstName)||' '||A.LastName label="Employee Name"
When PROC SQL applies the WHERE clause, the two table instances are joined. The WHERE clause conditions restrict the output to only those rows in table A that have a supervisor ID that matches an employee ID in table B. This operation provides a supervisor ID and full name for each employee in the original table, except for those who do not have a supervisor.
 where A.Supervisor=B.ID and A.Supervisor is not missing;
Note: Although there are no missing values in the Employees table, you should check for and exclude missing values from your results to avoid unexpected results. For example, if there were an employee with a blank supervisor ID number and an employee with a blank ID, then they would produce an erroneous match in the results.