SQL Procedure
Example 3: Updating Data in a PROC SQL Table
Features: |
- ALTER TABLE statement :
- DROP clause
- MODIFY clause
UPDATE statement : SET clause
CASE expression
Table name: |
This example updates
data values in the EMPLOYEES table and drops a column.
Program to Create the Employee Table
proc sql;
title 'Employees Table';
select * from Employees;
Program Description
Display the entire EMPLOYEES
table. The SELECT clause displays the table before the updates. The
asterisk (*) selects all columns for display. The FROM clause specifies
EMPLOYEES as the table to select from.
proc sql;
title 'Employees Table';
select * from Employees;
Program to Update the Employee Table
proc sql;
update employees
set salary=salary*
case when jobcode like '__1' then 1.04
else 1.025
alter table employees
modify salary num format=dollar8.
drop phone;
title 'Updated Employees Table';
select * from employees;
Program Description
Update the values in the
Salary column. The UPDATE statement updates the values in EMPLOYEES.
The SET clause specifies that the data in the Salary column be multiplied
by 1.04 when the job code ends with a 1 and 1.025 for all other job
codes. (The two underscores represent any character.) The CASE expression
returns a value for each row that completes the SET clause.
proc sql;
update employees
set salary=salary*
case when jobcode like '__1' then 1.04
else 1.025
Modify the format of the
Salary column and delete the Phone column. The ALTER TABLE statement
specifies EMPLOYEES as the table to alter. The MODIFY clause permanently
modifies the format of the Salary column. The DROP clause permanently
drops the Phone column.
alter table employees
modify salary num format=dollar8.
drop phone;
title 'Updated Employees Table';
Display the entire updated
EMPLOYEES table. The SELECT clause displays the EMPLOYEES table after
the updates. The asterisk (*) selects all columns.
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